Balanced Pushing

Are results really 80% nutrition, 20% exercise? What do you think??Idk the exact % but there’s no question nutrition is a huge factor.

But that said…

Execrcise does moreWhen you push yourself physically to do what your brain says you don’t have the time or energy to do, you start valuing what you CAN become as a person, with hard work.
When you achieve something physically, you’ve also just achieved something mentally.

It’s extremely empowering.

Becoming fit doesn’t require that you beat up your body, I think we all know that by now. Just eating right & moderate exercise daily can lead to a healthy life.

BUT.. accomplishing something physically *challenging* puts you in a positive frame of mind.
And when you’re in a positive frame of mind, you handle stress better, you sleep better, you like and respect your body better, you like other PEOPLE better, and you EAT better
So… I’m not so sure exercise is only 20% of the full equation