Cardio for Those with Lower body injury

Here’s a cardio workout for those with a lower body injury. If u know someone with a lower body injury, PLEASE SHARE WITH THEM It can feel so defeating!


NOTE: To make this a CARDIO workout & not interfere with your upper body lifting schedule, use a LIGHT weight where you can easily perform 25 reps at a quick pace with good form) to get your heart rate up
Every injury is different, so use your good judgement & advice of your Dr or Physical therapist

❇❇❇❇❇❇(Part 1)❇❇❇❇❇❇❇
2015-07-06_1633Warmup w/push-ups on knees & crunches

Do 25 reps of each, go from one exercise right into the next. Do 2 rounds

  1. Reverse crunch on bench
  2. Push-up into superman
  3. Weighted bent over row (back flat!)
  4. Ab plank crunch on exercise ball
  5. Bench press


    ❇❇❇❇❇(PART 2)❇❇❇❇❇2015-07-06_1637

  6. Kettle Bell high swing (keep chest up!)
  7. Oblique Scissor Kicks
  8. Romanian Deadlift (knees slightly bent)
  9. Push Press sitting on bench