“Just tell me what to eat!”

“Just tell me what to eat!”☺️

I cringe to hear that bcuz there’s NOT just 1 way that works but for the sake of satisfying the CURIOUS, here are some of the things I eat/drink👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

At one point, I had results from eating ~5 meals a day, then switched to 3 meals and intermittent fasting, but sometimes I’m back to 5 small meals a day. I don’t always intermittent fast. I don’t ALWAYS anything☺️⁣

What’s IMPORTANT is to know your body & know that IT CHANGES.⁣

It also adapts (plateaus), and therefore your nutrition has to evolve. Self-discovery as well up and down fluctuations are inevitable.. part of the discovery process, not failures.⁣

How to eat DELICIOUS foods but also see results:⁣
1. Start testing a macro nutrient ratio just for self-awareness of how your body responds⁣
2. Eat LOTS of greens, healthy fats and colorful foods⁣
3. Create healthy versions of your FAVORITE foods⁣
4. 10-20% of the time, just eat/drink whatever the hell you want. Be realistic about what is 10-20% of the time☝🏼☺️⁣
5. Add avocado to everything (note to self actually)⁣

No but seriously, I can help you!

If you don’t have a coach & want info on my next virtual bootcamp,  click here 💪🏼


Double check those sugar grams

How many mugs of coffee are you consuming per day?! How much sugar is in your creamer? 🧐

No judgement here☝🏼 ..especially not from me who has the bad habit of adding whip (WARNING⚠️: addicting) I just think it’s an important discussion😁.

I usually have one ☕️ in the a.m. and one in the afternoon ☕️ . I’m not advocating that☺️, I’m just sharing my truth. At night I do decaf coffee or Organifi hot cocoa.

If you’re using a creamer that’s higher in sugar, it could be spiking your insulin & setting off your cravings for the day🤦🏼‍♀️ leading you to snack/graze even though you’re not truly hungry🥨🍪🍫.

Or is it your cereal & milk setting you off?? Or maybe the drive-thru latte, or the sweetened oatmeal?

Double check those sugar grams☝🏼

How I Overcame My Sweet Tooth and Carb Cravings

I’ve been asked many times how I was able to overcome my massive sweet tooth & cravings for carbs. Welll…

First of all, I DO run a no-purchase-required Sugar Buster group to help you with this (comment if you want in) but here are 10 other things that helped me in case it helps you 👇🏼

1. Avoiding artificial sweeteners -so many zero sugar drinks spike insulin & cause cravings (& bloating)
2. Not eating before bed so I sleep better
3. Going to bed earlier
4. Taking a supplement that also helps with my sleep; Magnesium Glycinate


5. De-stressing which meant creating time in my schedule for downtime – stretch, get outside!
6. Avoiding processed & refined sugars -getting more healthy fats in & less grazing (oops that’s like 3 things)
7. Tricking my cravings with fun foods that LOOK & taste delicious but are low glycemic (sugary splurges cause MORE sugary splurges & addictions)
8. Gave up flavored waters & high sugar creamers and coffees🥤☕️ (occasionally I’ll have True Lime brand but not daily, & gave up diet pop many YEARS ago)
9. Stop buying triggers that I know damn well I can’t control my cravings around🤦🏼‍♀️🚫🆘
10. Re-read number 9👆🏼

Does that help ?? Which one??

Protein Needs

This post isn’t ABOUT coffee, it’s about protein but hang on, it’s related ☝🏼☺️

I’ve come to realize that while it’s true that the “average American” eats a LOT of meat and gets plenty of protein given their activity levels, not EVERYONE falls in this category and some of us have to make a conscious effort to get in protein (quality protein).

I’m in THAT last category👆🏼. I aim to build muscle and if I didn’t make a conscious effort, I wouldn’t consume enough protein to maximize my efforts. In fact, if I could just eat intuitively & didn’t know any better, I think I’d just eat carbs all day🤩 & add in a protein bar & an avocado!

I have literally no desire for things like steak or burgers. Offer me THE BEST steak or a piece of bread, & without question, I’d choose the bread …if nutrition wasn’t a thing😉!

Everyone has different needs for protein as well as all other macro & micro nutrient needs, so I’m NOT here to say YOU need more bcuz YOU might actually need significantly LESS.

But if you’re physically active, you strength train intensely🏋🏼‍♀️ & you KNOW you struggle fitting in protein the way I once did, here’s some of the ways I fit in protein in case it helps:

• 10g Collagen scoop in my afternoon coffee
• 22g in my Vegan Choc Superfood Shake🍫
• 20g in each daily salad or wrap (tempeh, or tuna, ..or no nitrate, no antibiotics, humanely raised meat)
• 20g in my egg scramble/omelet
• 20g in my post-lift 💪🏼shake
• 10g in my bone broth
• 10g in my snack bar
+Plus protein that’s in healthy-fat foods 🙌🏼

Was this helpful ?🤷🏼‍♀️

Feeling sick?

Feeling sick?

I was! I don’t know if it was allergies or a virus going around but these last couple days were 👎🏼I’m just SO grateful 🙏🏻I felt well on our recent team retreat🌴My chiropractor said my adjustment may help boost immunity & my RD friend said to take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (with the “mother”) in a couple ounces of water a few times per day! I did all that plus my daily Vitamin C is all in my shake. I also took yesterday off working out and got some extra sleep! Felt a lot better today and did a low-key cardio + shoulder lift, then spent the day celebrating Matt’s birthday!

Anyway, sometimes not feeling well is the best reminder to appreciate your health more!

Tight Traps and Back Issues? Try this…

Raise your hand if you have tight traps & some back issues?!

It’s SO common.

Maybe you see a chiropractor and/or a massage therapist (I do both!🙌🏼) but I also love a lacrosse ball to relieve tension in my upper & lower back. Only problem is our dogs also love these balls & I can never find them!🤔🙄☺️

But once I do, I find those tension points (roll around on it against a wall til it’s found), then I hold it 20-30 seconds.

Let us know what’s helped you ?!


3 Things that are EXTREMELY poor for your health

You know what we (as fitness/health advocates) don’t talk about enough? 3 things that are EXTREMELY poor for your health & can throw everything off -dude, everything- to the point you won’t see results.

Too much STRESS
Not enough SLEEP
Too much SITTING

You might think you are in a situation that you can’t control/improve on any of those things but you CAN. Make uncomfortable inconvenient changes if need be!

You don’t want to regret NOT changing & have health issues, premature aging, addictions due to coping, injuries, & illnesses to arise. You NEED to be at your best for your family!

What other non-obvious factors would you add???

Watch out for dehydration

Are u a sweat’er??

It was a tough workout this morning yet I barely sweat🧐! This is NOT something I’m happy about lol (I’m only smiling because I’m DONE & excited to drink my chocolate 🍫 BCAAs🤩) but that lack of sweat is probably a sign of dehydration for me! I have to force myself to drink water, but I’m on it!

Dehydration actually causes SOoOO many other issues so pay attention especially now that it’s summer. I actually LOVE to be drenched in sweat after a workout & it’s so healthy for you 💦!!

BCAAs to Maximize Workout Results

I’ve been talking to a bunch of you in DM’s about BCAAs to maximize results from your workouts. There are SO many different BCAA products on the market.

The one I use has my protein BCAAs combined since I want both post-workout anyway.

What’s your go-to brand?? Does it have dyes and other artificial ingredients?

Does it have Artificial sweeteners that cause insulin spikes (& therefore increasing cravings). Are there dyes? Sooo many of the popular and cheap ones do

Check the label. Don’t risk your health just to save money or get results faster …it’s not only NOT worth it, it’s not necessary. There are products with clean ingredients. They may be more expensive but that could save you HUGE in the long run.


Pets for Stress Relief

Pets can be a LOT of work & require making sacrifices but for us, they’re a source of constant humor & loving on them is a form of stress release
If you get a stressful email/text/assignment, instead of turning to food, turn to your pet(s)

Am I right ?!?!