
Batman Bombs

Batman BombsYesterday’s workout with Liza Jane! We both had to do the 800m batman bomb & the rest on the list, we split.

And no, I don’t normally row with an underhand grip, I just changed my grip for a sec in a photoshoot (this is an old pic; obviously not from yesterday’s workout where I was beet-red by the time I got to the row!).

What are Batman Bombs???  Well here you go! You run while holding a 14lb medicine ball over your head (20lbs for the guys).

What’s your preference?

Morning or evening workouts???

Btw you’re not necessarily going to feel like working out so certainly don’t WAIT for that feeling. Just start drinking your pre-workout, change & push play! (Or put on some great music & do your own thing)


Abs and Cardio

Cardio_IntervalsIntervals of abs & cardio! You like?

1-minute of each & 4 rounds

Warmup first & modify as needed.

Instead of squats off the bench, you can do plyo squats. Instead of battle ropes, you can do burpees. Or, ..just pick 2 of your love-to-hate exercises from your Beachbody workouts as your 1-min cardio drills


Click the Video to the right to watch.

Sisters are Bossy

This was back when I NEVER filmed videos because I don’t like pics of myself let alone VIDEOS.

My sis Chalene Johnson said “U want to inspire people??? Then GET OVER IT!”

She’s always bossing me around..but quite frequently the suggestions are life changing

Click the Image to the right to watch.

Break the Plank

A way to break up your plank with some shoulder work mixed in

Click the Image below to see how.


My Favorite Workouts

My favorite workouts: lifting, Turbo, Crossfit, anything dance-related (cant wait for the new Cize!!), running & spinning!

Click below to watch. And this is currently my jam
Your turn…


Eat to perform

Eat for the body you wantI know not everyone likes the look of muscle but that’s ok, I’m not concerned with the look everyone likes☺.

I just know, for me & my body-type & appetite, I have 2 choices:
1. Eat for muscle gain & fatloss or
2. Eat for fat gain & muscle loss.

I choose #1

Either way, we have to EAT.. Food is for energy, healing, strength, & brain function.
Don’t starve yourself no matter how desperate & impatient you get!

Consider yourself an athlete & eat to perform (eat clean 80-90% of the time).
Don’t expect it to be easy, but KNOW it’s worth it regardless of how long it takes.
Although the aesthetic effects are often months delayed, the health benefits are immediate

Do what you can

How often do your workouts get interrupted or cut short?
I did sprints on the treadmill & wanted to do a ‪legday‬ too but only ended up having about 15 minutes for that before I was needed. I’m a mom first & foremost ..and lots of workouts don’t happen as planned.. It’s ok, ‪never give up‬ – just do what you CAN

How often are you interrupted

A Life you Love

The life & lifestyle you want is not out of your reach unless YOU think it is. I *used to* think I was stuck.. I didn’t think I had choices. But believe it, work for it in baby steps every day, and you’ll achieve it

Have the Courage

Keep Your Mental Game Strong

What you tell yourself

What you have to train harder & more consistently than anything else, is your brain.

Keep your mental game strong