
Check Your Favorite Protein Bar

REAL QUCK.. check your favorite protein bar/energy bar for sugar grams.. how many grams are in it??

If it’s low, check the ingredients.. do they have Sucralose or other artificial sweeteners OR Sugar Alcohols like Maltitol that spike Insulin and blood sugar and therefore increase your sugar and carb cravings ??

I was talking about daily splurges on the you-know-what-app the other day and sister Chalene Johnson heckled me about my love for protein bars! It’s no secret, I *love* protein bars to a fault! Some have a weakness for ice cream, wine or candy.. mine is protein bars. Don’t judge. BUT.. i’ve learned (finally) that many of the kinds I was buying were causing me to get an upset stomach (maltitol ) and/or crave sweets and carbs throughout my day!

So someone asked on my post last night here on my wall, “what are the natural flavors of Quest Bars??” So, to my knowledge, here they are in this pic!

… and my fav flavor below is the Cashew Coconut. 0 sugar, 20g protein, appears to be no fillers, no artificial sweeteners and no sugar alcohols. BUT.. I also eat the Double Chocolate Chunk flavor which also does NOT have sucralose (instead it’s sweetened with all-natural stevia leaf) but it DOES have the sugar alcohol Erythritol in it. From what I’ve read (and Yah, i know you can’t believe everything you read), this sugar alcohol doesn’t spike insulin or blood sugar which would cause cravings among other negative side effects ..and I can tell you from personal experience, eating this flavor doesn’t cause cravings for me. Here is a quick article about the sugar alcohol Erythritol.

>>>>>If you don’t have a sweet tooth that needs better options, nor a need for these bars because you already get plenty of protein in your daily nutrition, then NO need to start eating these bars and take on this bar-eating habit. Feel free to SHARE.

Quest bars

Nothing but chocolate!!!

😳 so yah, this is how I get thru those days & still stay on track😁

Share with your chocoholic friends 🙌

Nothing but chocolate

Travel Prep

Travel PrepTo those who travel regularly or are going to Coach Summit this week, does this help?

I’m not advocating these things as every day, 100% clean foods to eat.. BUT hubby & I are headed to ‪‎Coach Summit & have a very busy schedule so we may not have time to grocery shop or access to food when we need it while there..& I ‪‎fear hunger 👿 So this is some of what I’ve packed in case it helps anyone else.. I hope we’ll be able to pick up some other essentials like fruit & unsweetened almond milk once there 👍
Yes, I pack tuna packets if I need protein & at least have access to some greens or bread (I love salads & sandwiches). And yes, I pack ‪sugar free vanilla creamers & yes, I know they’re not clean but I’ll survive.

Protein bar or Prime Rib

Protein bar or Prime Rib?

Protein bar or Prime Rib

Protein bar or Prime Rib

What would you rather have.. A Protein bar or Prime Rib?

I swear I’d rather have a protein bar any day! I’m at ‪#‎wholefoods‬ with Matt & tempted by my strange obsession with protein bars!! Idk why but I could eat them all day long if it were healthy or acceptable to do so!!

Quest bars have been my recent obsession but I’ve gone over a week without any! ‪#‎progress‬

p.s. I’m not saying ‪#‎QuestBars‬ are a problem, I’m saying my addiction was . I’m hoping BB someday comes out with a bar, minimally processed the way they make Shakeology So many that are DELISH with low sugar have artificial sweeteners, maltitol, OR are just so TINY (like ‪#‎larabars‬ for example).