
You’re worth the work

It’s going to take time, but it’s going to be WORTH it!! You’re worth the work

The quality most associated with success and happiness

You may not be able to control your circumstances, but you can always control your attitude  Agreed??

Be kind

Be kind. Refrain from the dirty look, the negative comment, the temptation to assume you know the situation, or the “why” behind someone’s actions.. *especially* when it’s someone you don’t know well. You never know what they’re dealing with or overcoming.

You with me? Feel free share if you agree.

Take the Step

Take the Step

I love this quote – what do you think??

Take the Step

What do you tell yourself when things get tough?

It’s true when they say, how you talk to yourself will either positively or negatively impact EVERY aspect of your life.

What do you tell yourself when things get tough?

positive mindset

Protect Your Positive Mindset

So true, right?

I have a lot of weaknesses but one thing I’m pretty good at is protecting my positive mindset. It’s a skill like anything else ️To do that, I try to only look back if it is to look back on what I could’ve done better/differently; but it’s a glance not a focus. What someone else did may be inspiring to me ..but not necessarily relevant to MY path.

The FOCUS has to be on what’s in front of us now

positive mindset

don't waste the opportunity

Don’t waste the opportunity


..don’t waste the opportunity to let your push represent more than just yourself

don't waste the opportunity

Don’t be afraid to fail


I like to think I’m NoT afraid of failure, but when my creativity is lacking, I’m just now realizing the bottom line is, I’m just not taking ACTION on my thoughts & visions due to fear or diving into the unknown. I just realized how true this quote is!

Find your Passion and you will find Purpose

find your passion and you will find your purposeWhat’s holding you back??

Don’t get stuck just surviving each day with work, eat, sleep, repeat.

It doesn’t have to be that way.
Change is HARD.
Taking a leap of faith is HARD.
Taking what seems like 10 steps back in order to take a step forward HARD!

The average person won’t take those chances, they won’t make the sacrifices, & they’ll remain unsatisfied in a comfort zone. You weren’t meant to live each day with purpose

Results May Vary Depending on Effort

Results vary Based on effortSomeone will unlike my page for this post & that’s ok! My page wouldn’t even exist without Beachbody. Without Beachbody, I’d still be sitting at a desk from 8am to 6 or 7pm at night ..yep, truth!

I know those people just don’t get this business & there was a time when *I* didn’t get it either (btw, I did a presentation explaining).

It’s legit. It’s people holding people accountable. It’s believing in someone before they believe in themselves. Success takes consistent effort over time, but it doesn’t feel like “work”.

A bunch of us on the team earned this sweet Nike “Elite Coach” jacket this week and I can’t help but reflect for a second how much Beachbody does to reward us!

How has Beachbody, or its programs or trainers like my sis, helped YOU?