
Are you an over-thinker?

Raise your hand if you’re an over-thinker??🙋🏼‍♀️

Hold on a minute, let me over-think the question 🤔

SERIOUSLY’s a problemmm😂.

I’m guilty.

What would your life look like if you said “I’m just gonna DO IT” ..more often in the last 5 years?! Where would you be now? What do you regret NOT doing?
Aside from first praying on it, here are 5 steps that have helped me …
1.) Make a list of pro’s & cons
2.) Talk to honest, positive open minded people in the thick of it
3.) What’s the impact of NOT doing it- mentally, physically, financially
4.) Is it something that moves you closer to who you want to be and how you want your day-to-day life to FEEL?
5.) How will it positively or negatively impact your family?
If you’re in the midst of finding clarity, does this help?!

Be confident and kind

I just had to have a little talk with Mr Furley about not livin his best life if he’s constantly trying to dominate!

Do you know PEOPLE like this??

It comes from a place of fear and insecurity. Don’t let that intimidating person make you feel SMALL!

I use to have a boss like this & I had high anxiety the moment she walked into the office😨 I can’t IMAGINE *wanting* to make people around you feel uncomfortable! It’s BIZARRE to me!

But kill ‘em with your confidence and kindness☺️

Once you understand it’s THEM & not you, they lose their intimidation over you! Right?!☝🏼😉

Who has back pain?

Who has back pain?? 🙋🏼‍♀️

Can we talk about this??

Please share your issue & what’s helped🙏🏻

When I did a poll, I was SHOCKED how many have back pain of some kind😲! I highly recommend following @ docjenfit on IG & other accounts that focus on mobility and physical therapy, but get it diagnosed first.

These lacrosse balls are SO good for some of the knots & muscle spasms I have👌🏼

Leggings or shorts?

Leggings or shorts? I prefer leggings over shorts for sure!!

The back of my legs is my “trouble zone” & unfortunately you can’t target fat loss to one particular area only .. we gain and lose weight in these areas according to our genetics but we CAN change our natural shape & fight gravity to improve the appearance of an area thru building muscle!!

Muscle in that area does NOT make the fat go away in that area, but the more muscle you have, the more energy (food) your body requires to maintain itself throughout your day & night😴.. so yah, with strength training💪🏼 plus right-for-you nutrition🍃, sleep, stress reduction🧘🏼‍♂️ and gut health, eventually your trouble zone can BE GONE🤸🏼‍♂️.

But the reality is, some of us are just more prone to gaining weight in a certain area or having cellulite even with a very healthy body composition & some of us are also prone to lack of skin elasticity (ie skin that doesn’t “snap back”).

For example, there can be a woman with 30% body fat or more and have ZERO cellulite & at the same time, a woman with 18% body fat can have it. I have it whether you can see it here or not. I always HAVE even when I was leaner.

Same goes for skin elasticity .. some women have multiple pregnancies and their skin just SNAPS BACK😮

I’m not dwelling on what I can’t control ☝🏼and I hope you aren’t either! Sexy is confidently rockin what you HAVE & working on yourself from the inside out!💃🏽

Don’t Take This for Granted

No, I’m not one of those fit pro’s with 6-pack abs or thigh gap …& it would be cool to be able to follow that statement with “but I can squat 200lbs!!” but ..I can’t do that either… not even close☺️. My approach is overall balance of feeling healthy and happiness more-so than fitness. I just happen to enjoy a really athletic tough workout! Gives me a high, makes me feel ALIVE.

I actually DID have a thigh gap once (in my ballet years) & I never want to go back to what that required for *my* body. NEVER. I’m inspired by women of ALL shapes and sizes for who they ARE & what they do with what they HAVE 💥💥💥 I see overcoming struggle & finding solutions as SUPER inspirational and that looks different on all of us.

LISTEN..don’t you dare take for granted that each day you’re given a chance to improve🤸🏼‍♂️

Fitness is SO MUCH FUN if you shift your mindset to “what can my body do?” vs “how much does it weigh?” “how does it compare?”

Can I get an AMEN?!

Whose cup are you filling?

I’m realizing I LOVE to learn! 👩‍💻🤓

That probably sounds ironic coming from someone who probably comes across as “flighty”🙃 and who didn’t enjoy school or college much…. but I freakin LOVE to learn about nutrition, how our bodies work/heal/perform, real life human behavior & BUSINESS (that was my degree but I felt it wasn’t REAL WORLD stuff I was learning then).
Nothing against school or obtaining higher degrees but it’s INCREDIBLE how much you learn when you’re super passionate about the subject & you’re trial-and-error-LIVING the lessons☺️ …annnnd you get to share it with others.
If you feel empty, maybe you’re filling everyone else’s cup but your own ☕️ ☕️ ☕️

Become a better leader of YOU

You’d think being a former ballerina I’d be flexible but NOT AT ALL. I worked REALLY hard at it then but “you lose what you don’t use” pretty much applies here😏
Thankfully I can move around throughout my day versus when I used to sit at a desk. Sitting all day or MOST of your day, staring at a computer, is so hard on your body!
I used to come home after a long day and a commute, all locked up & wake up feeling like I’d been hit by a Mack truck!🚛 Then you add stress & for me that led to a whole SLEW of additional issues ..mostly after-work cravings which led to eating more sugar which led to sugar crashes, inability to build muscle or lean down, inflammation, bad skin, bloating, etc.
I’m exhausted just reminiscing about it😅.
☝🏼Bottom line, become a better leader of YOU. I had to make some tough changes and sacrifices.
If your job is at the heart of it all, consider finding a new one☝🏼

Tight Traps and Back Issues? Try this…

Raise your hand if you have tight traps & some back issues?!

It’s SO common.

Maybe you see a chiropractor and/or a massage therapist (I do both!🙌🏼) but I also love a lacrosse ball to relieve tension in my upper & lower back. Only problem is our dogs also love these balls & I can never find them!🤔🙄☺️

But once I do, I find those tension points (roll around on it against a wall til it’s found), then I hold it 20-30 seconds.

Let us know what’s helped you ?!


Don’t self destruct.

Don’t self destruct.

You know you can do whatever you set your mind to and sometimes setting your focus on something like getting the healthiest you’ve ever been in your life is the catalyst to success in so many other areas of your life. Right??

So set your goals, plan your attack, and show yourself you’re in control and worth it & the slip-ups are simply learning experiences

3 Things that are EXTREMELY poor for your health

You know what we (as fitness/health advocates) don’t talk about enough? 3 things that are EXTREMELY poor for your health & can throw everything off -dude, everything- to the point you won’t see results.

Too much STRESS
Not enough SLEEP
Too much SITTING

You might think you are in a situation that you can’t control/improve on any of those things but you CAN. Make uncomfortable inconvenient changes if need be!

You don’t want to regret NOT changing & have health issues, premature aging, addictions due to coping, injuries, & illnesses to arise. You NEED to be at your best for your family!

What other non-obvious factors would you add???