Tip from Chalene – What to Post on Facebook!

At the recent Platinum Edge Conference, Chalene jokingly talked about Coaches posting too many post-workout sweaty selfies, their calories burned on their FitBits, and pictures of them kissing a Shakeology bag!

But that’s because it’s TOUGH to know what to post!

Here’s a list of what works. Copy & paste this list.

Types of Facebook Posts:

1. Share a tool or resource that’s helped you – an app, a new finding, a new book, etc

2. Entertain – upload a video from your phone (not a link …posts with links don’t make it to the newsfeed as well) or share a funny story

3. Pedestal – highlight, welcome or honor someone

4. Question/Poll your audience (I almost ALWAYS ask a Q).

5. Must have an Upswing (when opening up about your struggles, include a positive, i.e. what are you going to do about it and how are you overcoming it)

6. Posts that save people time or money – I’m personally trying to figure this one out & you may see me test it 🙂

7. Answer FAQ’s – listen to what people always ask and do a post to answer

8. Motivational

9. How-to or a system (this works on Facebook & Pinterest)

10. Gratitude Posts (I’m grateful for…. )

11. “This is who I am” post

12. One of every 10 posts should be an invitation to your challenge group or to Coaching (or an invite to your blog, call or webinar).

13. A progress picture! ..ok, I added this one myself 🙂

Side tip #1: Make sure your posts trigger an immediate desire to like or comment. And posts should often direct people to a place you can collect email addresses so that you’re growing your contact list. The trick is to not include a link in the post.. that prevents it from getting to as many newsfeeds. If you put it in comments or ON THE PICTURE, the post should get good traction.

Side tip #2: Break up posts into 2-3 sentences at a time. People are MUCH more likely to read it that way!