
“Find a New Job and Take Care of Yourself”

“F i n d a new j o b & t a k e c a r e of y o u r s e l f” … a Doctor wrote on her patient summary form. The patient was a Teacher whose job was slowing tearing away at her health, her sanity, causing weight gain and negatively impacting her relationship with her fiancé. What a powerful “prescription” to receive. She read the form leaving the Dr office & the simple truth of it brought her to tears.

This is the story I heard the other day from a newer Coach who’s now already having great success (on track to earn a 6-figure income based on weekly pay right now) just 4 months into her business … and she’s been building it WHILE still working full time (a new teaching job btw). Not many have success this fast but many on our team have similar stories & it fuels me to know anyone CAN.

Maybe you already know this business isn’t for you & maybe you just need to ask your boss if you can work from home🏠 1-2 days a week. Or maybe you need more details about options because you’re an all or nothing girl like me, maybe you didn’t know a LOT just changed where we don’t just service at-home fitness needs anymore, we have new nutritional supplements, & we have a lot more ways to serve others as of this Spring. Former coaches are re-enrolling & it’s smart.

Either way, if your situation could use a RESET button, don’t convince yourself you just need to suck it up. You always have choices.

Ask questions, pray about it, give yourself time to envision the possibilities & decide to believe in yourself & trust the process.

If you want the scoop on this business, and you don’t have a coach, drop send me a message here.

Legal disclaimer: Beachbody does not guarantee any level of income or success with this business. Each coach’s success depends on his/her own efforts, skill & diligence.


Create Your Own Options

So grateful to be able to spend so much time outside today! Don’t wish for that option, CREATE that option   And I’m thinking it’s safe to say you all should move to the Toledo area now!! We’ve got a Lululemon, and we’ve got … well that’s all I can think of right now but it’s somethin’

Grateful for Matt

Just a random pic of me and Matt with Chalene & Bret’s dog Rocco. Would u believe we met when we were 12yrs old at the Lake? Chalene introduced us (she was 15 at the time) because we were both really shy and into sports.

The joke is that we walked the lake together but on opposite sides of the street (umm..NOT true!!.. only when our parents & older teasing siblings were watching) Can anyone relate?!

All I knew was he was cute & made me laugh like no other! #gratefulthankfulblessed we have each other

Grateful for…

Grateful for my calf today & the self-care and PT that healed it !! Ran my fastest today since tearing it 4 months ago! Which is NOT actually “fast” yet

Also grateful for my pre-workout (can we get a shaker cup emoji please??) and a career that puts my own journey as part of my daily to-do’s!

Makeup Favorites


What are YOUR fav’s??

Toasted Ezekiel bread with avocado & tomatoes

A kitchen of 11 of us girls this morning & we pretty much all had our toasted Ezekiel bread with avocado & tomatoes this morning !
But first … COFFEE

Girls’ Trip

I’m SO excited for our girls trip that my sister hosts every year!

We’ve all known each other for YEARS & when we get together, we have a BLAST!!

We’ve done this girls trip every year & it never disappoints!

Zella leggings and Nike Metcons

Some of you were asking me about these leggings .. the brand is Zella. One of the Christmas gifts from Mom & Dad!

And my son bought me these awesome Nike Metcons DSX Flyknit2 for Christmas ! I didn’t even know they existed -couldn’t have picked a better pair myself! So thoughtful & so generous!!

What matters at the end of the day…

At the end of the day, all that matters is that you stayed true to your life’s priorities & hopefully happiness is one of them

New Fitness Routine for Pets

These 3 just turned another year older . Time’s flying! Why can’t pets live longer?

We’ve committed to a new fitness routine for them More walks! It’s important for OUR gut health to get outside more often anyway