Aside from the awesome information in this training:

  • Resolving our procrastination issues🙇🏻‍♀️
  • Recognizing what we REALLY want to get out of this business💡,
  • When and where to find NEW content ideas for stories & posts 🚿(50 min into it) …

Aside from all that, wasn’t it cool to see the difference in personalities between last week’s leader Alli Upham & Kati Heifner??!

I LOVED the content we share in these trainings! But I also LOVE how each leader leads differently.

Each has a very different story!

Each leader has different strengths, different personalities, different situations at home, different goals, different messaging on their Social Media!

There is NO mold you need to fit to be successful. Don’t give yourself that BS story that you aren’t enough because of XYZ.

To see Kati’s presentation slides better, with all her Schitt’s Creek references😂, see our training group! If you don’t have access to this group ask your upline for the information.

She posted her slides!

Recording video below!