Honest Feedback

Leaving the platinum edge conference & reflecting on it all…

After my presentation, one very nice Coach asked me if she could give me some very honest feedback.. Which of course I was all ears!! She told me my in-person personality wasn’t what she expected based on my social media personality. Now, first of all, please know..I’m grateful for this honest feedback & I didn’t take it negatively. She gave great compliments regarding my presentation. But I think she was trying to say that I’m much more introverted & laid back then she expected. She implied she expected me to be loud, more outgoing & authoritative. She said “I don’t mean this in a bad way, I just thought you might want to know what I expected based on your social media”

So, for the social media record, I’m not that. I’m a TOTAL introvert & home-body, I don’t like the spotlight but I’m passionate about what I do so I’m happy to step up & lead for the purpose of helping others. I’m very hard working but I don’t sweat small details, I love funny, happy people who have integrity, & I don’t really like social settings (unless it’s just with the aforementioned people😁). I always want my social media to represent the true ME.

Anywhoooo.. How awesome was platinum edge 2015 ?! Thank you John & Christine Dwyer for another amazing Coach event!🎯🎯🎯