“That’s fine if you won’t block for me…. but don’t tackle me”


Matt & I don’t always agree.. in fact, he thinks this post is wayyy too long But I was just thinking how thankful I am to have a husband that supports where we’re going with this business & always has.. even when I wasn’t successful yet & was investing time & money before any ROI showed up. It was team work to make it work given full time careers while we were new to building this, and on top of trying to be good parents, & having super busy schedules.

I realize not every couple is on the same page pursuing goals & I cringe to see couples struggling with this. I realize some people have family members who are skeptics of what they’re pursuing as well.

Peoples’ opinions are solely based on their own experiences & they have trouble seeing beyond their own experiences. Even though they love you, it can sting to know they’re not supportive. Your beliefs have to be ROCK SOLID to withstand that & move forward.

Sometimes it’s that your success or personal growth makes them self-reflect & uncomfortable.

At the Platinum Edge conference, Ray Higdon made a football analogy in regards to spouses not yet on board. He said “that’s fine if you won’t block for me…. but don’t tackle me” ..what are your thoughts on that??

In the case of an unsupportive spouse, I don’t know how to turn it around other than be patient, communicate & educate .. but I bet some of YOU have great advice on this topic …