What/who motivates you in fitness?

Whatwho motivates you in fitnessWhat/who motivates you in fitness?

These coaches & friends motivate/inspire me! CEO Carl Daikeler & Celebrity Trainer Autumn Calabrese flew in to be a part of our Super Saturday with 750 others here in TOLEDO!

We were SO grateful to have them & to do Autumn’s NEW 21-Day Fix Extreme workout (launching Feb 2)!

And HUGE THANK YOU to all those amazingly kind people who volunteered to help & all those who came!!

I met SO many sweet Coaches!!

Thank you to my friends & co-hosts Cory Tice Miller (the MC Extraordinaire of the event!) & Meg Kozlowski!!

The before & after is Mannie Watkins, who told her heartfelt & relate-able story. I meant to have her pic up (totally my fault).

And the BIG NEWS was that Beachbody is incorporating digital functionality into the Club membership!! With a Club membership, you’ll be able to do the BB programs from your phone, tablets, iPads, laptops, etc!! As an Elite Coach, I’ll be testing it out. Stay tuned..

Congratulations, Leah Case!

Congratulations, Leah CaseFriends and Coaches.. would you be so cool to help me congratulate Leah Case for achieving 4-Star Diamond in her business?? She’s a mom of 2 that was able to retire her Full-time career to be more present with her little ones while doing something she’s passionate about! heart emoticon

Leah has an AWESOME fitness page and she’s just so FUNNY, SUPER SMART and REAL!!.. I just love her! heart emoticon Just click her name and message her if you need help or just to follow her inspiration and tips!

In her own words… “I am a mom of 2 super littles…3 and 1, they keep me so busy but because of coaching I am able to be home with them full time! My favorite thing about coaching is being able to put tools in people’s hands that TRULY change lives – be it through their fitness journey or be helping them get their own business off the ground to hit their own goals. It’s truly an honor that I don’t take for granted and it amazes me daily that people trust me with such a personal part of their lives. I really don’t know where I’d be today if I hadn’t taken the leap to become a coach in 2009!”

I just LOVE having you on the team and as a friend Leah!! It’s people like YOU that make this so much FUN for me! You’re the bomb.com and I’m so happy for where 2015 is already going for you!! ‪#‎EliteBound‬

Fit Friends

Fit FriendsI always wanted my own home gym where I could work out when I want, how I want & with who I want. I’ve finally made that vision come true due this business Don’t get me wrong, I love gym workouts too but home options are KEY because life is BUSY. I had a great time Turbo’ing with Liza Jane, Hannah O’Connor, and Cory Tice Miller this morning!! Killer Abs & stretching followed.

100K Earners

100K EarnersGO TEAM HARDCORE!! Why not you??

These are my personally sponsored Coaches who would NEVER tell you about their own success so I will !

Will you help me congratulate them!?

It’s TOUGH to make a great living in fitness.. until this business came along! The incomes represent lives CHANGED for the better first and foremost.. but it also represents focus and perseverance doing what they love to do!

None of them set out to make a bunch of money in this. In fact, a few of them just thought the discounts would be cool and a couple others thought it would be great to just bring in an extra $100 a month. Mindy Wender just wanted to be able to cover her $15/month website fee ALL of them just loved what it was about and WENT FOR IT; not ever knowing what it could become.

Of course money doesn’t bring happiness, but being on a fitness journey, being surrounded by positive people, the reward of helping people, and the confidence you gain with this business.. it definitely lifts a lot of burdens and opens a lot of new doors. With this business, they’ve been given the opportunity to be full-time moms and dads, they’ve paid off debt, paid off homes and cars, built NEW dream homes, helped other families, and fulfilled some dreams on their bucket lists. They’ve also been able to have more flexibility and choices since finances aren’t holding back decisions the way they used to.
And many dealt with skepticism from family or friends along the way. They really had to BELIEVE in this… & they DID.

Way to go Leaders of Team Hardcore!! I’m INCREDIBLY PROUD and can’t wait to help more of my team achieve this level in 2015!

Tip from Chalene – What to Post on Facebook!

At the recent Platinum Edge Conference, Chalene jokingly talked about Coaches posting too many post-workout sweaty selfies, their calories burned on their FitBits, and pictures of them kissing a Shakeology bag!

But that’s because it’s TOUGH to know what to post!

Here’s a list of what works. Copy & paste this list.

Types of Facebook Posts:

1. Share a tool or resource that’s helped you – an app, a new finding, a new book, etc

2. Entertain – upload a video from your phone (not a link …posts with links don’t make it to the newsfeed as well) or share a funny story

3. Pedestal – highlight, welcome or honor someone

4. Question/Poll your audience (I almost ALWAYS ask a Q).

5. Must have an Upswing (when opening up about your struggles, include a positive, i.e. what are you going to do about it and how are you overcoming it)

6. Posts that save people time or money – I’m personally trying to figure this one out & you may see me test it 🙂

7. Answer FAQ’s – listen to what people always ask and do a post to answer

8. Motivational

9. How-to or a system (this works on Facebook & Pinterest)

10. Gratitude Posts (I’m grateful for…. )

11. “This is who I am” post

12. One of every 10 posts should be an invitation to your challenge group or to Coaching (or an invite to your blog, call or webinar).

13. A progress picture! ..ok, I added this one myself 🙂

Side tip #1: Make sure your posts trigger an immediate desire to like or comment. And posts should often direct people to a place you can collect email addresses so that you’re growing your contact list. The trick is to not include a link in the post.. that prevents it from getting to as many newsfeeds. If you put it in comments or ON THE PICTURE, the post should get good traction.

Side tip #2: Break up posts into 2-3 sentences at a time. People are MUCH more likely to read it that way!

Turning Challenge Participants into Coaches

Here is a fantastic business-building tip from the Platinum Edge Conference!

Turning Challenge Participants into Coaches

8-Star Diamond Andrea Crowder (part of the Team Hardcore organization) shared what she asks Challenge participants towards the end of a challenge group:

Which one best describes you right now?

A. Someone who wants to continue on their own path and possibly do another program or challenge group;

B. Someone who wants “A” but also interested in the Coach discounts on products & programs;

C. Someone who wants A & B but also wants to help others along the way – i.e. pay it forward and earn an income.

This was not her exact quote, but it was something to that effect. BRILLIANT if you ask me!

Make it your own as you see fit. Remember, even those who don’t reply or reply with A, don’t take them off your list of people you’ve introduced the business to. So many who are top coaches right now brushed off that initial planted seed about the business opportunity. But someone SMART followed up with them and asked if they’ve given it any thought.

Incredible Inspiration

Incredible InspirationYou HAVE to watch Katy’s story!  She’s an INCREDIBLE inspiration! Please SHARE!

(Click the image to watch video)

We all know a lot of people that need to hear her message and adopt her determination and attitude!!

I had the honor of meeting Katy backstage.. luckily she presented AFTER me otherwise I would’ve stepped on stage a MESS! Get your tissues ready!

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you Katy .. you’re paving the way for so many!

Leadership Retreat

leadership retreatMindy Wender and I speaking at the Leadership Retreat..

Public speaking does not fall anywhere within our comfort zones, especially speaking to our peers & the Leaders of the organization – we’re both formerly quite shy. BUT.. Public speaking & presenting on video gets better the more you do it.

Take that first awkward step & REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT.

Good Times with some of my Leaders

Good Times with some of my LeadersGood times with *some* of my Leaders who qualified for the Leadership Conference!

From left: Cory Tice Miller, Meg Wiczynski, Krystal L. Bland, Carolyn Fontana Wilhelm & Christi Williams

A new Leadership conference will be held in LA for 2-Stars & above & then a second one for 5-Stars & above in October next year..

Who’s going for it?!


New Coach Training

New Coach TrainingWhat do you wish you would’ve have known earlier in life?

My only regret is not pursuing this business even sooner than I did.
I just thought it wasn’t for me… I didn’t understand it, I thought it would be like other network marketing businesses, I didn’t know what it would take, I assumed it was about pushing products, I didn’t think I had time, didn’t think I could be successful with it given my shy personality and that I wasn’t using social media.

Now I *teach* my coaches social media effectiveness.

It doesn’t hurt to look into it 😉 Just inbox message me on this page if you don’t have a Coach, live in the US or Canada, and want more info.

Now is the time to get enrolled, let me get you started, and get in a groove before January fitness madness hits! My next New Coach Training is starting next week for new coaches joining me on Team HardCore!