Don’t wait for your goal weight

Are you waiting until you’re at your goal weight to do certain things? Don’t wait. Do what lifts you up NOW. The people who care about you should be all for that anyway!

It’s just you against you

Are you your own best cheerleader or your worst critic? You need discipline and self-respect to succeed in ANYTHING. I love to get inspiration from others, but I’m only really comparing me to me and competing with myself.

By the way, it’s SO much more fun to track progress in strength and performance than to obsess over the scale or looking a certain way;) p.s. my 2nd attempt at this pose! Got arms straight, head thru and a tiny bit more arch

Hamstring Help

Do you do these? Other than deadlifts, I love love love this exercise for my hamstrings. You have to lift your hips to the ceiling for each rep (each time you pull the ball towards you with your feet) and simultaneously contract your glutes and hamstrings. I do 2-3 sets of 16 slow, controlled reps and maybe it’s just me, but I can feel these targeting my hamstrings like a boss! Try it if you haven’t and let me know what YOU think!

Back on Track

Anyone else ready to get serious now that Spring is just one month away? This was my last workout at the hotel in Uruguay before we left. I worked out every day that I could, but was really sick for 4-5 days there and couldn’t work out. And eating clean was difficult since most meals were planned for us (not complaining, they spoiled us!!!) I’m all better now of course but just cannot WAIT to feel back on track again! It’s ON… Starting …NOW

Do You Crosstrain?

Do you crosstrain!?! I try as many different things as POSSIBLE. Muscle and cardio confusion. It forces you to become stronger, fitter, more flexible, and helps avoid plateaus. Here I am at Crossfit learning to do better (and more) “toes to bar.” I’m still a newbie, but thanks to Jax (pictured teaching me form) and Mike at Black Swamp CrossFit, I’m catching on 😉

Great Ab Workout

Have you tried these? These make for a GREAT ab workout whether with the #TRX or using a ball.  Do you like how I labeled it in case you were confused as to what that big round circular object was? 🙂  I do 16 reps, 3 sets on the TRX mixed in with the rest of my lift or other core work (just showin the ball in case you don’t have a TRX). As with any other muscle, give your abs a day of rest after intense strength work so the muscles can repair and rebuild stronger 🙂

Hopefully this doesn’t sound shallow but if you workout w/mirrors, there’s NO DOUBT your outfit can affect your workout, right?! When you like the way you look (& there’s no doubt certain clothes are more flattering than others.. doesn’t have to be expensive!), you have more positive thoughts & more positive self-talk, u perform better! Whether it be some new shoes or a couple new T-shirts.. Do that for yourself if you can! I usually teach a terrible class if my outfit is unflattering {#permissiontoshop} If you only workout in ur home gym and with no mirrors, maybe this is irrelevant to u but i DO recommend mirrors for form check.