Peloton Bike

Matt got me a Peloton bike for Christmas & I love it so better than our old bikes!!

But at $2500+ for the bike, monitor & monthly fees, it’s certainly NOT a necessity to spend that $ to get fitness results. But if you LOVE spinning, it’s something to consider.

And yes, you can be a successful Beachbody coach and still fit in other workouts you like –spinning, running, crossfit, power lifting, working out at a gym, etc. You just need to use and fully believe in the Beachbody mission and how our programs and products significantly change, & sometimes SAVE, lives
And actually, the business opportunity does all that & more

Incline run + leg workout!

Ran 3 miles on an *incline* today!!

Then did a leg workout. Feeling SUPER accomplished! How about you?

Snow shoe run the mountains!

Killer shoulder workout before we snow shoe run the mountains! Yah, that’s right.. we’re gonna RUN it! Uphill. In snow shoes. I’d say that meets Chalene’s theme rules of Cold & Exhausted

20 Hi/Low HIIT

20 Hi/Low HIIT

Crossfit wod …”Annie”!

One of my favorite crossfit wod’s .. “Annie”! You go as fast (yet controlled) as you can, no breaks, & time it. It’s what I did today (along with lifting) and tomorrow I’ll feel like I’ve had metal plates inserted as abs

p.s. This is an old pic of me jump roping

Pendelay Rows

What was your workout today?!

Today was a 25 min run plus lifting (back). I know I’m lifting my back too much in the pendelay rows but I’m workin on it
This is 85 pounds.

Who loves a quick cardio circuit ??

Who loves a quick cardio circuit ??

Never never take your health & fitness for granted

It’s Thursday night & we avoided Pizza ! How about you?! For some reason, we crave pizza on Thursdays more than any other night… why is this???

And yes, I know this hollowback needs a more hollow back the wall climber needs to probably get even closer to the wall, & the handstand push-ups are barely a couple inches (..workin on it!)

But I am SO grateful I can even attempt these things. Never never take your health & fitness for granted

Run + Delts

Ok, so today was…..
• 3-min fast-paced run
•12 shoulder presses each arm
•12 front deltoid raises each arm (shown here)
• 25 Tricep dips to give the shoulders a tiny break
• 12 lateral/side deltoid raises
…repeat the whole thing starting with the 3-minute run
4 times thru! . Takes <25min

Please forgive my slight swinging ..I filmed this AFTER my workout (always film after so it’s not an interruption) & my shoulders were already TOAST!

Doing anything for just one minute seems do-able…

I like these because mentally doing anything for just one minute seems do-able, right?!

It’s all what YOU want to put into it I used 65# for the thrusters, 35# Kettlebell & 10# plate for the Lunges Be sure to modify as needed, warmup, cooldown & STRETCH!