Happy 4th of July!!

Click the image to the right to watch Here are some lunge…

I think I see Progress!!!!

You know me.. I don't post bikini pics, BUT.. I think I see progress!…

I never said I was good at Yogi right?

I read this quote by Pema Chodron.. What are your thoughts? "Personal…

Cardio for Those with Lower body injury

Here's a cardio workout for those with a lower body injury. If…

What I do

I strength train 4-6 days/week depending on the week & how…

Make the Rest of Summer the Best

Let's make the REST of summer the BEST of summer!! ☀ What's…

Did you fit a workout in today?

I guess this is my workout-crushed stance! It's amazing how…

CIZE Video

Ok CLEARLY I'm not a hip hop dancer and & I know I'll get…

5 Bench exercises

Do-able??? Someone asked for a workout using their bench so…

CIZE test group Day 1

Oh boy! I'm part of the CIZE test group and today is DAY 1 !!!😁 I'm…

Yes?! Or no, thank you!!

This is what I did this morning; kinda cardio/leg day workout.…

What workout did you fit in today?

I fit in a quick 2.5 mile run & jump rope intervals before…