Healhty Dinner Inspiration

This is a turkey burger (pattied up at home, no special recipe…

Go-to Breakfast

What's your go-to breakfast? I normally do eggs & egg…

Back on Track Starting Now!

The Feta is BACK!! But just for the salads I made for my in…

Train Harder Eat Smarter

That about says it all right?! In the salad: PURPLE cauliflower…

Healthy Pizza Again!

Who am I kidding with that fork?! Yes, I made one of these…

Real Life

One of these things is not like the other, but this is real …

Macro Equation

Do you track Macro nutrient needs (carbs, protein & fats)? I…

What’s for lunch?

This is a quick go-to when I don't have chicken or turkey burgers…

High Protein & Good Fats

I eat similar things every day - egg white scrambles, salads,…

Discipline Is…

...eating what you NEED vs what you CRAVE. Believe me, I would…

Video Meal Challenge

Would you eat this pizza made on a brown rice wrap with salsa,…

Breakfast Pizza

Would you eat breakfast pizza? Here's what I did in case you're…