
To workout or call it a rest day?

To workout or call it a rest day?
Lets look at the Pro’s & Con’s as maybe you have a similar list?

PRO’S: I’ll feel accomplished, I’ll relieve stress, I can get it done in under 30min, I’ll work off some of last night’s pizza, I’ll stay accountable to my fitness group I’m coaching, I’ll workout in the fresh air, I’ll feel especially deserving of my chocolate PB shake afterwards, I’ll have no regrets.


Romanian Deadlift vs Traditional Deadlift

Quick example of Romanian Deadlift on the left & traditional deadlift on the right.

On leg day, I usually am more focused on isolating my hamstrings in a deadlift (my hamstrings are a weakness of mine), so I usually prefer Romanian You keep your legs straighter and just lower that bar to your shins while keeping your chest up and back parallel to the floor. This was only 95# to demonstrate

Peloton Bike

Matt got me a Peloton bike for Christmas & I love it so better than our old bikes!!

But at $2500+ for the bike, monitor & monthly fees, it’s certainly NOT a necessity to spend that $ to get fitness results. But if you LOVE spinning, it’s something to consider.

And yes, you can be a successful Beachbody coach and still fit in other workouts you like –spinning, running, crossfit, power lifting, working out at a gym, etc. You just need to use and fully believe in the Beachbody mission and how our programs and products significantly change, & sometimes SAVE, lives
And actually, the business opportunity does all that & more

Incline run + leg workout!

Ran 3 miles on an *incline* today!!

Then did a leg workout. Feeling SUPER accomplished! How about you?

Hurt Foot/Let Workout

Ok, first of all, if you don’t have access to battle ropes, replacing that with kettlebell swings or even just 20 tricep dips off of a bench, you’ll still get your heart rate up if you go from one thing to the next.

The pull-ups can be resistance-band-assisted of course

This is meant to be for CARDIO purposes for someone that can’t run, jump, squat with full body weight on both legs/feet. I had to do workouts like this for 6 months when I pulled my hamstring & now my son is having to do these.

But of course NO single workout will work for EVERY injury, so this is just something to tweak.

Do what YOU have been cleared by a Dr to do!

Be sure to warm up first & cool down and stretch afterwards.

Snow shoe run the mountains!

Killer shoulder workout before we snow shoe run the mountains! Yah, that’s right.. we’re gonna RUN it! Uphill. In snow shoes. I’d say that meets Chalene’s theme rules of Cold & Exhausted

20 Hi/Low HIIT

20 Hi/Low HIIT

Crossfit wod …”Annie”!

One of my favorite crossfit wod’s .. “Annie”! You go as fast (yet controlled) as you can, no breaks, & time it. It’s what I did today (along with lifting) and tomorrow I’ll feel like I’ve had metal plates inserted as abs

p.s. This is an old pic of me jump roping

Pendelay Rows

What was your workout today?!

Today was a 25 min run plus lifting (back). I know I’m lifting my back too much in the pendelay rows but I’m workin on it
This is 85 pounds.

Who loves a quick cardio circuit ??

Who loves a quick cardio circuit ??