
Clean eating game

Clean eating gameWas your Friday clean eating game strong??

Any Friday that doesn’t include a whole pizza downed & a bad stomach ache & wondering why the hell I did that (again) is a win & deserves to be documented.

Sure I’ll still have Pizza on occasion but the Ultimate Reset I finished 2 weeks ago really helped me get back to the 90% clean eating I’m used to. (And yes, I worked out during the cleanse. And no, it’s not recommended but I upped my calories to accommodate it).

Between the Shakeology & salad here, there’s 4 servings of veg’s, 2 servings of fruit, & over 30g protein.

Mocha Cafe Latte

Mocha cafe latteThis mocha cafe latte recipe is extra good after a ‪#‎sweatfest‬💦 I don’t work out for HOURS a day but I do usually get in a total of an hour🏻
Today was:
75 Double Unders
25 kipping Pull-Ups
3 Rounds of that in 13 minutes🔥
+ 3 mile run + 20 min Lifting💪

What’s in your shake????

whats_in_your_shake_This was a post-workout MEAL on-the-go! 🏃🏃🏃🏃
1.5 cups Ice
1 cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk
2 Tbsp Organic “Just Great Stuff”
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
1/2 scoop Chocolate Recover
1/2 banana
Water added to achieve the right thin-ness
(I don’t like mine too thick!👌)

Blueberry Banana Super food Concoction

Blueberry Banana Superfood concotionI never get sick but came down with the stomach flu yesterday😝
I’m starting to feel a little better today & I think this blueberry banana concoction of superfoods will help me nourish & re-hydrate.


1 cup ice
1 cup Vanilla unsweetened Almond milk
1/2 cup frozen organic blueberries
1/2 banana
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology or your favorite superfood shake!

That’s it! But sweeten if needed with your favorite sweetener (I use Vanilla “Sweet Leaf” stevia drops

When do you drink your shake?!

Kale Salad and ShakeOI shared this on my IG and like page and I’m SHOCKED at the # of people who are struggling with what they eat after work and in the evenings and they haven’t tried this yet. It’s worth a try, right?

What’s your biggest nutrition struggle & what are you doing (that’s working) to fight it?

Just getting back from the Leadership retreat, I needed to make sure nutrition was on POINT today 🎯 I do best in the evening when I have a salad & shake for dinner. If you have a small salad followed by superfood shake satisfying your chocolate/sweet craving, you might find your nighttime snacking/cravings are no longer an issue.

This was a kale salad with turkey burger from the grill, tomatoes & avocado with chocolate PB Banana shakeO 👍🍅🍃

Some of my favorite PROTEIN sources

Protein SourcesCan’t see each thing🔍? Just enlarge it👌

I’m a strong believer that each person needs to find what works best for THEM but I get asked a lot how I fit in 100-125g protein per day (I’m only about 5’5″ & weigh probably about 125-128lbs.. I rarely ever weigh myself btw). I follow the recommended guideline for building muscle of .8g-1g of protein per pound of your ideal body weight (in other words, if you are 100 pounds overweight, don’t consume an additional 100g protein per day).

I don’t think these need a description but if you wonder how/why/when I eat them, I’m putting together “A TYPICAL DAY” document of my meals which you can download📥.

Come back to my page here bcuz I’ll have the link to that within the week.

Please let me know if this is helpful 🙏😉

Mint Chocolate Shake

Mint Chocolate Power GreensThis is one of my favorites..

1 Cup ice
1 Cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk
1/2 Scoop Vanilla Shakeology
1/2 Scoop Chocolate Chill Recovery
1 Scoop Shakeology Boost Power Greens
A couple drops mint extract
1/2 Banana.

The marshmallows were just FUN and for looks but they weren’t mint.. turns out they were KEY LIME flavor ! I guess that’s a good idea for my next shake! LOL

Nothing but chocolate!!!

😳 so yah, this is how I get thru those days & still stay on track😁

Share with your chocoholic friends 🙌

Nothing but chocolate

Travel Prep

Travel PrepTo those who travel regularly or are going to Coach Summit this week, does this help?

I’m not advocating these things as every day, 100% clean foods to eat.. BUT hubby & I are headed to ‪‎Coach Summit & have a very busy schedule so we may not have time to grocery shop or access to food when we need it while there..& I ‪‎fear hunger 👿 So this is some of what I’ve packed in case it helps anyone else.. I hope we’ll be able to pick up some other essentials like fruit & unsweetened almond milk once there 👍
Yes, I pack tuna packets if I need protein & at least have access to some greens or bread (I love salads & sandwiches). And yes, I pack ‪sugar free vanilla creamers & yes, I know they’re not clean but I’ll survive.

Peanut Butter Toffee

Peanut butter toffee shakeologySuper good Super food recipie!!!

👉RECIPE (makes 24oz shake)

–1.5 cups ice
–1 cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk
–1/4 cup water (so it’s not too thick)
–1 Tbsp Peanut Butter Toffee Crunch (by Nuts n More online or GNC)
–1/2 scoop ‪Chocolate Chill (BB)
–1/2 Banana
–1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
BLEND. Add more fluid if too thick

It’s a meal! It’s HUGE!!

~400 calories, ~33g protein, & superfood-packed!