
Did you lift today??

Strength_training_There’s still time to strength train today. It’s amazing how you can fatigue a few major muscle groups & feel strong & ACCOMPLISHED in a matter of minutes! If nothing else, do 10 push-ups & 20 deep lunges –3 to 5 times!

Start the first time thru with modifications (push-ups on knees & shallow lunges), to warmup. You don’t even have to change your clothes, set up or get equipment… ‪justdoit‬!

Click the video to the right to watch.

You Stopped Lifting??

You Stopped Lifting?Please speak up if you’ve had amazing results once you started taking lifting/strength training seriously.

Don’t stop lifting/strength training.. It’s almost NEVER a good idea to stop (unless you have a rare situation) if you care about being fit, getting lean & most importantly feeling & performing at your BEST.

If you’re gaining muscle but NOT losing fat, you have to take a hard, honest look at what you’re doing day in & day out with what you’re eating & drinking.

You can’t expect to see the fruits of your labor until you’ve been consistent 90% of the time with what you eat AND drink, lifting/strength and your cardio. It’s about creating NEW habits & tackling old, bad habits one day/one meal at a time