It’s Day 3 friends!! Your “Coming Out” Post

It doesn’t have to scream “I’m a Beachbody Coach” fact, it shouldn’t – it’s best if it just come across as you being EXCITED.

It also doesn’t have to be a BEFORE & AFTER..

one of these (the one on the LEFT) is her excitement over a 3lb loss.

The one on the right, she’s comparing where she is now vs 8 years ago even though she had JUST joined as a coach.

This mom with a fulltime career achieved 1-Star Diamond in her first 6 months because she DECIDED to listen to all the trainings and DECIDED to face fears & help others get fit and help other friends join as coaches make an income inspiring/helping others.

ACTION: Please create a post to at least start that “coming out” process. Feel free to tag your up-line so we can support you

Note: the captions and good lighting (you can’t tell on the right but it is great lighting)