It’s Day 4 friends!! Inviting to a Group

Don’t overthink this!

  • What do I say!!?
  • How do I say it?!
  • How do I set up a group?
  • How do I run a group?

No worries.. I’ve got you !!

Please Click Below to watch this National Wakeup Call with Micah Folsom for tips on connecting and inviting to a group!!

This is a business.

If you have experience and credibility leading others in fitness already, requiring a purchase as a newbie Coach is smart.

I say “this is a complimentary group for my customers”

When you say “customers” it implies a purchase may be required.

If you don’t have any credibility or confidence yet, you *might* want to host a 3-5 day FREE group that speaks to a specific struggle, followed by immediately inviting them to your next group (a “paid” group).

Again, don’t overthink this! Our programs come with all the expert information and materials, you’re there to SUPPORT them!

A group just means you’re providing a place for people to cheer each other on, check in once daily on how they ate and their workout, share recipes!!, successes!, etc.

There are challenge group posts you can use/tweak in your online office. EASY!!

Everyone can be doing a different Beachbody program or they can all do the same one. You share in the group what’s worked for you. But MOSTLY, aim to be interested in THEIR day and their struggles.

I love the quote “you don’t need to be interesting, be interested!”

People love to talk about themselves! So each day ask how they did and TAG EACH MEMBER in the caption or they won’t likely see it.

Here are steps and a visual of an actual group.

Host your groups in Facebook or in the My Challenge Tracker app. There is no right or wrong. Send a message to your upline if you need help with the app.

Check out this video for how to create your group on Facebook.