A workout to try

I can’t share the workouts I’m doing from this Pilot test group…

BUT ☝🏼I know a bunch of you will be starting Liift4 tomorrow 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 (which is lifting 4x/week with some fat burning HIITs built in 🔥) so IF you want me to post some cardio circuits that I typically mixed in on other days, say the word! I 💗sharing my workouts!

After warming up, 4 Rounds of :
1️⃣ 1 minute bench hops
2️⃣ 1 minute banded squat jumps
3️⃣ 1 minute burpee w/weight
4️⃣ 1 minute Mtn Climbers
5️⃣ 10 Narrow/wide Power Push-ups (modify as needed)

☝🏼These workouts aren’t for everyone. You know your fitness levels and limitations best😉