Eat what you need

Eat what you needStopped after T’s basketball game to pick up lunch at our favorite deli and I wanted to just order a big fluffy high-carb bagel loaded with cream cheese & high sodium turkey ..and a side of soup-also very high sodium. But it’s not worth it to me. I work too hard.

If it were a special occasion, I would have indulged! But temptations are ALL around us..& if they’re in your HOUSE, that’s even worse! Get rid of it!

Take a deep breath & buy what you like but is a healthier choice.

This is half of a veggie spinach cream cheese or cheese, all-natural Light Blue Cheese dressing for dip in the bowl (barely needed any because it’s a strong taste) & a half serving of Peanut Butter Banana Shakeology for added nutrients & protein.

Congrats, Jenny!

CONGRATS JENNYFRIENDS and COACHES.. if it weren’t for people like JENNY taking a leap of faith and pursuing their passions.. *I* could not do what I do! So, MANY MANY THANKS in advance for helping me give props to Coaches like JENNY SYDNOR for achieving EMERALD.. in her first month as a Coach Btw!

Jenny is a mom of 2, has been married 18+yrs, and works full-time in Supply Chain Management.

Jenny loved the gym but was finding it taking precious time out of her busy schedule. So she discovered Turbo & ChaLean Extreme and convenience (and effectiveness) of working out from home. She was a HUGE skeptic of Shakeology at first, but is now going thru it like water!


Have you tried these yet?

Have you tried these yetHave you tried these yet?

I’m trying again to give up Quest Bars (the chocolate chip cookie dough… nothing wrong with them, I just don’t think it’s right that I want 2 a day, and dream of having one with every second!

These are an AWESOME alternative, have more nutritional value, & are just as convenient as a bar when you need something QUICK or just a healthy sweet Chocolate Peanut Butter treat for you & the family.

1 cup Dry Quick Oats
1 cup “Just Great Stuff” (Amazon)
1/2 cup Natural PB
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 serving Chocolate Shakeology (reg or vegan)
6 packets all-natural Stevia

Remove jewelry, mix all into large bowl, form into golf ball size bites,
Place in ️freezer& keep there. Ready to eat within seconds of removing it from the freezer.

They’re NOT impressive warm & mushy.

p.s. I choose Just Great Stuff over PB2 because it’s organic & has cleaner ingredients but the same taste.

Purple Passion Smoothie

Purple Passion SmoothieThis was SO creamy & delicious!! Recipe below!

1 cup Frozen Mango Chunks
1/4 cup Frozen Blueberries
1 cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk
1/2 cup water so it’s not too crazy thick
1 serving Vanilla Shakeology
1/2 scoop Vanilla HydroWhey (optional, I just like extra protein after a lift PLUS it makes it extra yummy!)

Blend. No ice needed due to the frozen mango chunks

Congratulations, Tiffany!

Congratulation TiffanyPlease help me congratulate my good friend TIFFANY for achieving EMERALD in her business (and on her transformation!)

Tiffany uses Vegan Shakeology and has been gluten & dairy free for just over 2 years! She started with p90x and now also enjoys the gym & running; working towards a 10K!

Tiffany owns her own successful company Task-Unlimited and still makes time for fitness and helping others!!

Congratulations Tiffany!! Soo happy for you!!


Go-to Breakfast

Oatmeal + ProteinWhat’s your go-to breakfast?

I normally do eggs & egg whites with veggies in the morning but a freezing cold snowy morning calls for hot oatmeal (all-natural, wheat-free, Gluten-free Instant made GlutenFreeda) with a 1/4 scoop Protein & Superfoods (=Vanilla Shakeology). I think I like it better with Chocolate Shakeology though.

I know chocolate oatmeal probably sounds ODD, but I’m a chocolate lover!


Time Crunch Food

Time-Crunch FoodWhat’s your go-to in a time crunch?

This Quinoa Burger was SO good and perfect for my time crunch tonight! I had mine on a Sesame Ezekiel bun (find in most grocery store freezer sections.  I keep them frozen and toast the bun in the toaster). We found these Quinoa burgers at Kroger. I had a half Shakeology with it for added protein and nutrition.




P90X3What do you think of P90X3 so far?

No, I haven’t tried it yet. I can’t do it until this hamstring/glute injury heals (honestly seems it NEVER will)  Anyway, I love it when I see my sister’s programs or any of Beachbody’s fitness programs and Shakeology featured in magazines and on TV.

Fitness Coaches…there’s no doubt we’ve teamed up with the BEST in at-home fitness!

p.s. love the abs!

Congratulations, Angie

Congratulations, AngieFriends… Please help me congratulate the super sweet & positive Angie Bellemare for achieving DIAMOND in her business!! This means she’s an excellent leader to her team!

And although BOTH pics are beautiful, Angie was actually in & out of the hospital & having inexplicable health problems. Then she started Turbo Fire & Shakeology and her health problems started to go away! How cool is that?! Annnd…her hubby just won $500 as a quarterly BB Challenge Success Story!



High Protein & Good Fats

High Protein & Good FatsI eat similar things every day – egg white scrambles, salads, chicken, turkey, wraps, Shakeology – I just mix up what I’m putting IN them so that I have variety.

I’m not a perfect eater, I’m not a cook & if it takes longer than 10min, I’m out! When I want food, I want it NOW.

This is an egg white scramble with baby spinach, green red & yellow peppers, avocado & salsa on the side. Filling, high protein, good fats, & yummy!

Approx 250-275 calories & 25g protein (from 5 servings of egg whites).