Shift Gears and Push Harder!

Shift Gears and Push HarderWhen you hit a wall, shift gears & push harder!

Your body gets used to going at a certain intensity level or stopping at a certain of reps or minutes. Make a decision to go to that next level.

It’s not going to be comfortable, but do that consistently & it will be worth it!



Foam Roll

Foam RollDo you foam roll?  I’m trying to get better and more consistent with my foam rolling and my stretching.

It’s hard to get stronger and fitter if your range of motion is limited or you’re injured, right?!



Weekend HIIT

Weekend HIITEver in a situation where you only have 30 minutes, no inside space to workout, no equipment and you need to get in cardio AND strength?

Maybe that’s a stretch, but I’ve had those situations when visiting others or just traveling. Here’s a simple solution!

Do the pushups until muscle failure, then the jumping lunges until failure, then tricep dips off a chair, stair or curb until muscle failure.

Repeat those 3 again if you have time with just 10 seconds rest in between each. Don’t forget to stretch.

Stress Relief

Stress ReliefEver feel too tired to workout?

Sometimes it’s stress exhausting you. Sometimes it’s NOT that your body needs to rest – sometimes you just need to release the stress, and working out is one of the best ways to release stress.

Only YOU know what’s best for you… I just know in my days at a desk job, I often misinterpreted stress and muscle tension as needing to take a rest day when in reality, my job was sedentary and I NEEDED to move to release that.

Eat This Not That

Eat This Not ThatIs anyone else willing to admit they MIGHT have an addiction to Quest bars?! Nothing wrong with them, I’m just sensing an addiction coming on, personally.

I think maybe I should have 3 homemade peanut butter Shakeology bites when the Quest cravings hit. We’ll see how long I can go without…lol!

What do YOU need to go cold turkey on?!

Favorite Fruit

favorite fruitWhat’s your favorite fruit?!

I’m in LOVE with Honey Crisp apples and they’re back in season! They’re like CANDY!

If you get an afternoon sweet tooth, be sure to have one of these on hand!

What’s for dinner?

Whats for dinnerThis is happening now, then a PB Banana shake later when I may be craving something sweet.

For some reason, Thursday nights STILL remind me of my old days where Matt and I would order a medium pizza for me and a large for him and I could down the whole thing – no problem! Not that I don’t still enjoy pizza once in a blue moon or overindulge, but now I ask myself if it’s REALLY worth it first. Do what works for you, but if you want results, you HAVE to improve your eating habits.

Tackle it one day, one meal at a time

Leg Day

Leg DayDo you dedicate an entire lifting session to legs?

I didn’t use to, but I do now and I recommend it if you can! I love leg day!

Just Start

Just StartAre you not into strength training because you’re trying to lose weight first?

Lifting is an integral part of getting lean and fit.You just have to eat the right AMOUNT of food and avoid empty/processed/sugary/junky calories so that the fat sheds anda more toned body shows thru.

But be consistent for at least 12wks before you evaluate what it’s doing for you.

The Key is to Start

The Key is to StartDid you workout and eat well today?? Are weekends tougher for you?

I just finished a monster workout and could just COLLAPSE from exhaustion, yet I feel on top of the world at the same time.

Some of your best thoughts, ideas and motivation will come to you during a workout and afterwards; you feel less stressed and more focused on your goals.

The key is to start.