Fitness Truth

Fitness Truth1. You cannot target fatloss to a certain area of your body. When you lose body fat, it comes off all over but WHERE it comes off first/last is based on your body type & your genetics.

2. The scale is not the whole picture.

3. The more muscle you have, the higher your fat-burning metabolism. And it’s the only way to truly CHANGE the shape of your body.

4. Having defined abs is probably the most sought-after fitness result. But unless you’re genetically blessed or under the age of 18, it requires eating clean, cardio & strength training -all 3 consistently- to achieve the low bodyfat % it takes to see the underlying ab muscles. It CAN be done, even if your genetics are fighting it more than someone else’s. It’s just a question of what you WANT & if you’re willing to work for it.

Push Press

Push PressWhen you have a lower body injury, sometimes you have to get creative to get your heart rate up to get intense cardio in.

Quick, explosive push presses (with lighter weight but heavy enough that sets of 25-30 reps each are challenging) are a great way to increase your heart rate during a circuit or HIIT. Incorporate these with other things you can do like intervals of ab work, push-ups, elliptical, spin bike–depends on your injury.

I use 20lbs on each side of the bar & aim for 25 reps in one minute.

In my HIIT workouts, I usually end up doing 4 sets among the other intervals.


StretchAre you REALLY taking the time to stretch?

I WASN’T, but I am now!️

I’m finding the years of flying thru my stretches, going through the motions, is catching up with my flexibility… Without flexibility your strength is limited & your injury risk is elevated.

Put on some relaxing music AFTER your workout when your muscles are WARM and learn to enjoy it. I like to be moving, so this is a huge struggle for me!

Go-to Breakfast

Oatmeal + ProteinWhat’s your go-to breakfast?

I normally do eggs & egg whites with veggies in the morning but a freezing cold snowy morning calls for hot oatmeal (all-natural, wheat-free, Gluten-free Instant made GlutenFreeda) with a 1/4 scoop Protein & Superfoods (=Vanilla Shakeology). I think I like it better with Chocolate Shakeology though.

I know chocolate oatmeal probably sounds ODD, but I’m a chocolate lover!


Dinner is Served

Dinner is ServedWhat’s your struggle with nutrition.. not knowing what to eat? Not having the time to make it? Or just can’t stop eating/drinking something that’s a daily habit?

Check out #JenellesFastFitMeals on IG. We cooked up some extra lean turkey burger to put in meals all week. Matt just put some of it in his turkey chili!

This is: Brown Rice tortilla by “Food For Life” found in the freezer section (not cooked or anything), baby spinach leaves , guacamole, nonfat plain Greek yogurt, salsa & turkey burger crumbles. About 450 calories & 25+ grams of protein.

Get to Flexing!

Get to FlexingIs the scale getting you down?

It’s not an accurate picture so take it worth a grain of salt.

Focus on strength not the scale & you’ll be so much happier with your results & more motivated due to the progress you’re making. Set nutrition, performance & consistency goals with an action plan & the results will fall into place!

Time Crunch Food

Time-Crunch FoodWhat’s your go-to in a time crunch?

This Quinoa Burger was SO good and perfect for my time crunch tonight! I had mine on a Sesame Ezekiel bun (find in most grocery store freezer sections.  I keep them frozen and toast the bun in the toaster). We found these Quinoa burgers at Kroger. I had a half Shakeology with it for added protein and nutrition.



Welcome Back!

Welcome BackAre you back on track from the Holiday food and parties, or at least ready to be?

If you’ve had enough, get the trigger foods/sweets out of sight!






Back on Track Starting Now!

Back on TrackThe Feta is BACK!!

But just for the salads I made for my in laws these past few days. Nothing wrong with Feta (in fact, one of the better cheeses), or any food in particular as long as you don’t have an unhealthy addiction to it.

I can fall madly in love with certain foods & then I just have to go COLD TURKEY on them if I sense a bad habit forming. With certain foods, I have little success with the “in moderation” mode.

This was spring mix, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, RF Feta, & avocado.  Back on track starting NOW!


Healthy Pizza Again!

Healthy Pizza AgainWho am I kidding with that fork?!

Yes, I made one of these healthy pizzas AGAIN. It’s my favorite! It’s on a wheat-free, gluten-free wrap made by Food for Life (look in the freezer section near waffles) & a little organic pizza sauce, vegan cheese by Daiya, & baby spinach leaves.

Put in the oven for 8-10 min on a cookie sheet, and then top with tomatoes & avocado! Check #jenellesfastfitmeals on Instagram to see the video of a similar one in the making.  So simple! I’m NOT a cook, so if I can do it, anyone can! You could add egg whites and/or a lean meat for protein!