Tips to run a successful business

Front Deltoid Raises

Front_Deltoid_raisesWorlds Most Boring Video but just wanted to demo Front Deltoid raises on an incline bench because they’re so effective for building those shoulders.
I go lighter & focus on isolation & form

Pre-Halloween festivities cardio!

There’s no workout that gives me high Turbo does!
How can this song not make you wanna move!?! Turn it up!


Team Hardcore throwback!

Why NOT give this business a shot or at least look into it further?? I only ask this because this business is such a GIFT!

If you follow me, you know Beachbody Coaching & my team has changed my life and my family’s life in such a positive way.. BEYOND my own comprehension Chalene told me about this business and I honestly was skeptical until I did my own research; thought it was about sales, thought it was too good to be true, ..and as a Mom who was working more than full-time hours, I assumed I didn’t have TIME. I was wrong though.

Seeing this pic of my leaders from a few years ago and knowing how much we’ve all grown & stuck together is just awesome! And i’m EXCITED to see NEW people who are joining now, who have SO much potential to develop into Leaders!

It’s amazing to be connected with so many people on the same page, and to be able to make this opportunity as big as you want it to be, on flexible, stay-at-home hours. Why NOT you??

I know .. you probably think you need to be at your ideal weight first, and you don’t. PROGRESS is what’s relate-able to most people because they are NOT seeing progress themselves. Perfection is NOT where it’s at with this. And you make more progress once you become a coach; the role itself builds in accountability for you smile emoticon

You might think you’ll have to push products on people and you’ll never be asked to do that.. not on team; that’s never my approach because it’s not cool; being pushy doesn’t work anyway and being good at making sales is not at all what drives your success.

You don’t know HOW to start or how to become successful ..but I teach you EVERYTHING I know from the start and ongoing.

It’s $39.95 to join and the $15.95/month for the website Beachbody sets up FOR YOU. No other fees are required but it’s definitely recommended that you believe in, and incorporate, Beachbody programs/products.

If you are not a coach, and don’t have a Coach you’ve worked with click here and go to my home page. Fill out the and submit your info so I can get you the information you need to get started.

We can see if this would be a good fit for you. Unfortunately, this is only available in the US and Canada right now.

Do something you love!!

Team Hardcore Throwback

‎Turn Every Room Into A Workout Room

Turn Every room into a work out roomWe’re going to completely re-do & upgrade this weight room & I can’t wait!

Our house is non-traditional in that we have 3 rooms that we’ve made into workout rooms & we wouldn’t have it any other way🙌.

If you stay here, workouts are mandatory☝.

We may not have a bed for you but we have plenty of benches☺.

Who’s injured & feeling out of the swing of things??

This is my “anti ‪‎legday” workout yesterday because my glutes were too SHREDED from my Saturday workout. There was obvi more involved but I couldn’t fit it in. 

But my point here is… when you are SO SORE you can barely walk or if you have an injury, you usually have LOTS of options to get that heart rate up & keep your head in the game.

anti_leg_dayI had to do upper body & core workouts for 6 months due to a hamstring injury.

Keep the weights light, reps higher & don’t work the same muscle groups on consecutive days – avoid overtraining the “healthy” muscles.

Maybe you DO need some time off, but be VERY careful of just letting everything go You have OTHER healthy muscles & studies show muscle starts deteriorating after 6 days of inactivity. So be smart, follow Dr’s orders, see a PT, but do what you can to preserve what you have & most importantly to maintain your “fit” & positive mindset because letting that go can lead to poor nutrition …which can REALLY wreak havoc on your fitness & how you feel in general.

I only know this because I’ve been thru it myself


Such a great cause & way to start the day!!

What’s going to push YOU today????

5K  race for recoveryNeither of us trained for this & we both had grueling workouts yesterday (me, a heavy leg workout & Ty, 2 hours basketball + 2 hours neighborhood football + 2 Lacrosse games😰 !)

But last night T asked me to do this race with him today! I’ve always wanted to run a 5K with my son & I didn’t realize that would happen this morning! He told me 2 weeks ago he wanted to do this race ..but by himself.. so up til last night, I thought I’d be bundled up on the sidelines cheering him on with Matt, hot coffees in hand ☕😁.. That sounded great to me because I’ve not been able to run super hard lately due to a lingering knee injury that swells if I over-do it.👎

I’m proud of him for sticking to it this morning when I gave him every opportunity to sleep in (I felt he needed the sleep/rest & I was already SUPER sore 😆) but he kept saying ..”no I’m up! I wanna do it”. I know if he wants to be, he’ll be a great runner someday just like his dad!

And HUGE props to our neighbor Roman, who is only in 8th grade & WON the whole thing!!🏃🏆

Add These in Lifting or Cardio Sets

Reverse crunches with ballWhat’s your workout today? Or was it a rest day??

Add these in between lifting sets, or tack on to your cardio workout, or weave them into your core workout..
4 sets of 20 reps‼
They burn so good ♨😆

You Can’t Wait to be Motivated

dont waitYou can’t wait to be motivated, you have to just do it! Agreed??

I was NOT in the mood to workout this afternoon.. But that rarely stops me, especially if I just took a day off, which I did yesterday. I’ve been doing this‪ ‎fit life long enough to know, most of the time, you JUST DO IT whether you feel like it or not. It’s WAY too easy to find an excuse & if you allow your mind to go there, you’ll SURELY find an excuse!

Usually once I start, I’m ENERGIZED, but this time half way thru I felt sick to my stomach😷. I figured it must’ve been something I ate, so I chose to ignore it & finished a grueling leg workout + a lil ‪turbo. SO GLAD I FINISHED. I felt amazing afterwards! Whatever that nauseous feeling was, it disappeared 👍
Get addicted to that post-workout bliss & remember it when you’re trying to legitimize another day off🙇

Smart Success

Smart Success VideoYou guyssss! Have you checked out & the first Smart Success video yet?! Umm.. Maybe get tissues ready too?

My sis Chalene Johnson & Bret Johnson just opened this up yesterday & people are always kicking themselves that they didn’t watch that video before the video came down & then the registration for the course was closed🚫

You’ve heard me say it like a broken record “I learned that from my sister” and of course it’s true… Most of what I’ve learned were take-aways from Smart Success! This is hands down my FAVORITE personal/professional development course!!

My sister has taught me how to have more time in my life, design a daily schedule that consists of family first, & the things that fuel me & lift me up, & how to build a business that makes 7-figures a year with SMART success versus STRESSED success. EVERYONE can benefit .. Check it out & decide for yourself✨✨✨✨

Here is the link

Discipline is Everything

Well.. It’s almost everything…
We have to stop kidding ourselves with excuses.
If you can work DAILY on conquering your natural temptations, changing your negative beliefs & self talk, you’ll achieve more than you ever dreamed possible..

But most importantly, I think you’ll find who you were meant to be, who you were meant to inspire & how you were meant to live


Discipline is everything