Tips to run a successful business

Cardio or weights??

back_routineWhat’s your preference.. Cardio or weights??

Just a portion of the back routine I did today. This is SPED UP to fit it into 15 seconds, but in real life, control the weight & focus on the muscle contraction/isolation & then full extension.

Couldn’t fit in upright rows for the ‪#traps & ‪‎supermans for lower back. WERK THAT MUSCLE

What I do

strenght trainI strength train 4-6 days/week depending on the week & how busy or sore I am.

Some days my strength training might just be core (along w/my cardio).

You just shouldn’t strength train the same muscle groups on consecutive days…

They need to repair/recover the day after they were trained.


5 Bench exercises


Someone asked for a workout using their bench so here’s 5 exercises I do for 1 minute each (rest 20 seconds in between) for 3 rounds!


CIZE test group Day 1

Oh boy! I’m part of the CIZE test group and today is DAY 1 !!!😁
I’m NOT a good hip hop dancer (although I would LOVE to be!) but Shaun T breaks it all down for ya! It’s definitely a great workout !! Stay tuned for my reviews of it & updates here, FB & on IG! 👍

CIZE test group



Yes?! Or no, thank you!!

This is what I did this morning; kinda cardio/leg day workout. By your 4th round, you’re like REALLY😡?? And by Round 6 you see the light at the end of the tunnel
Took me approx 35 minutes after my warmup. If you don’t know what these things are or proper form, I recommend doing ChaLean Extreme💪, 21DayFix Extreme-Plyo, or Beast Legs instead. Learn what to do & HOW to do it 😉$38/quarterly for Beachbody on Demand & you get $1500 worth of BB programs live-streamed from your smart phone📲, iPad, laptop💻, smart TV, etc. Inbox me or YOUR coach if you don’t know how to get that.👍

yes or no thank you


What workout did you fit in today?

I fit in a quick 2.5 mile run & jump rope intervals before my son’s Lacrosse game & I have my shakeology to drink on the way. I’ll have to go sweaty but I’m glad I did it. Thanks for the new leggings Chalene Johnson!

new leggings

Batman Bombs

Batman BombsYesterday’s workout with Liza Jane! We both had to do the 800m batman bomb & the rest on the list, we split.

And no, I don’t normally row with an underhand grip, I just changed my grip for a sec in a photoshoot (this is an old pic; obviously not from yesterday’s workout where I was beet-red by the time I got to the row!).

What are Batman Bombs???  Well here you go! You run while holding a 14lb medicine ball over your head (20lbs for the guys).

What’s your preference?

Morning or evening workouts???

Btw you’re not necessarily going to feel like working out so certainly don’t WAIT for that feeling. Just start drinking your pre-workout, change & push play! (Or put on some great music & do your own thing)


What are you struggling with

What are you struggling with right now?

We’re all on our own journey. I put my journey out to the public not to be judged or compared, but to hold myself accountable & hopefully inspire someone. It used to be really scary for me to post pics or videos of myself, and STILL is somewhat, but hiding in your fear of judgment & never living the life you were meant to live, never becoming the person you were meant to be, & never helping ALL the people you were meant to help, is scarier.

What are you struggling with

Upper Body Workout

Upper Body Workout

Upper Body WorkoutWhat was your workout today?

I tweaked my knee coming down awkwardly from a high pull-up bar last week! But upper body & core workouts have kept me busy while it heals. Click the image to the right to watch a video for some upper body exercises to get you moving.