Congratulations, Trina Gray!

Trina GrayWE HAVE A NEW 15-STAR in the HOUSE!!

TRINA GRAY ( Trina Gray Fitness ) just hit 15-STAR DIAMOND! This means she has built & mentored a team of LEADERS! Please help me congratulate her success!!

Trina has built this business while owning & running TWO cutting-edge packed GYMS, being a devoted mom to two little ones, and happily married to the awesome, funny, Shipwreck Archeologist Jeff Gray!!

She’s not only a wife, mom, Coach & gym-owner, she’s a motivational speaker, fitness presenter at major conventions, a Fitness Instructor & EXTREMELY involved in getting her small town of Alpena Michigan FIT!

Trina loves working with moms in Fitness on her coaching team (instructors and trainers) and also has an ongoing accountability group for active women who need support for Nutrition..they’ve created great friendships!