Congratulations, Trina!

Congratulations, Trina!I’m SO excited! Team HardCore now has another MILLIONAIRE earner! Please help me congratulate 15-Star Diamond Trina Gray Fitness for making the MILLIONAIRE’s CLUB with her Beachbody business!! Trina will be the first to tell you she didn’t join as a Coach thinking she was going to be a million dollar earner with it.. but that’s what happens when you lead with passion and put in the consistent effort.

On a fulltime basis, Trina owns AND directs TWO cutting-edge gyms, presents on fitness topics nationally, is VERY involved in her community, teaches fitness classes, runs bootcamps, hosts online fitness and Beachbody Coach Training groups for her team.. all the while making her role as a mom and wife her priority.

When she first joined, she didn’t think she had time for this. Then once she understood how it could fit into her life & how it could change her family’s life, she MADE time for it.

Many of you have heard her trainings or presentations so you know firsthand, this isn’t just a fluke. This isn’t luck. She’s a brilliant, no-excuses, business owner and leader.

Trina joins Mindy Wender in the Millionaire Club for Team HardCore so far! Can’t wait to see who’s next on the team! Both are so humble and the LEAST motivated by money.

Please help me give it up for TRINA!!!