Do you prefer progress pics or videos?

Progress pics or videosI’m NEVER gonna be one of those girls who says “excited to see I still have abs even after a week of eating & drinking crap”.. lol, but awesome for you if that’s how well your body metabolizes crap

If I am off track for a week, I feel it & see it. MY reality is there will be small up & down fluctuations ALWAYS ..because I’m human & because being my absolute leanest is NOT a top priority in my life. I rarely weigh myself because I know when I’ve put on weight & likewise, I know when I’ve leaned down a bit.

The key to healthy, steady progress and ☝ keeping your HAPPINESS & CONFIDENCE is to accept whatever is thrown your way & stay EXTREMELY optimistic thru every stage of your journey. In my opinion, confidence, humor, kindness, humility & self-discipline are MUCH sexier than a super fit person without those attributes.
The key to long-term progress:
☝ Get support to quit bad habits
☝ EVERYONE has flaws–don’t compare
☝ set performance goals
☝ mix things up- nutrition & workouts
☝ be extremely grateful for what you have & USE what you have (some people are PRAYING to just move again; some praying just to survive this day).

p.s. I run free accountability groups on Facebook for my customers & ps coaches 👍 if you don’t have a Coach, Inbox me for info📥