Eat What Your Body Needs

Eat what your body NEEDS vs what you simply want 80-90% of the time. Depending on your goals. What percent do you think you achieve now?

To some just starting out, 90% clean eating will feel like deprivation because you haven’t acquired the taste for cleaner, less processed foods yet, you haven’t broken some habits yet, and maybe you haven’t gotten the family on board yet (so there’s temptation EVERYWHERE). So take steps towards improving how OFTEN. So take steps towards improving how OFTEN you eat clean:

1.  Transition to healthier foods for the whole family but don’t push it on them. Constantly try new things and healthier substitutes they LIKE. Throw out/donate and stop buying trigger foods/snacks/drinks that benefit NO ONE in the family. Make change fun and about them! I personally don’t push us all eating the same things-We might all have chicken for dinner but with variations…on a salad, in a wrap, on quinoa. Find what will work for you and your family.

2.  Find a daily bad habit you’re unable to break and BREAK IT once and for all! YOU ARE IN CONTROL of your thoughts which are impacting your actions and habits. Only YOU can do this!

3.  When temptation hits (not hunger; just temptation), distract yourself and/or leave the scene asap!

4.  Stop beating yourself up when you cave! But ID the trigger and improve!

5.  Grocery shopping – make your list and stick to it! Avoid high sugar yogurts, bars and cereals. Avoid the inside isles of chips, pretzels, and snack foods you and the family don’t need. Check labels for sugar, sodium, saturated fat, ingredients and note serving sizes. Aim for whole foods.

6.  Prep your meals for the week, clean and cut your fruits and veggies so they’re handy and ready. Set yourself up with successful habits that lead to amazing results:)