Favorite Shoes for Cardio

My favorite shoes for cardio! What are your fav's?! These…

Filming New Workouts!

Sweet video set for this one, right?! You're going to LOVE these…

Cross Train

What new workouts have you incorporated lately? I'm babying…

Turbo Girls Crossfit Too

Took some of my top coaches & avid Turbogirls to CrossFit…

No-Impact Workout!

Have a lower body injury or just need a no-impact CARDIO workout?…

Upper Body and Core HIIT Workout

Do you have a lower body injury & need a cardio workout?…

Batman Bombs

Thank you very little Black Swamp CrossFit for inventing Batman…

Make Time

HAVE YOU FIT IN YOUR WORKOUT YET? It's not too late ya know?!…

Focus on Strength

Do you agree?! The number on the scale is often irrelevant. Lift…

Headstands & Handstands

Are you trying these headstands and handstands? They're so fun! And…

Early Morning Workout

Do you prefer morning or evening workouts? I was up EARLY…

Pretend It’s Easy

Who has time for an ineffective workout?! Not me! Improve on…