
Are you avoiding fruit just because there’s sugar in it? There are different schools of thought and it’s up to you, but I wouldn’t recommend it. I usually fit in my fruit for the day by incorporating into my pre and post workout meal, snack or shake. It will be used up better as part of pre or post workout nutrition. (p.s. I did Crossfit this morning but will still lift wwith some Beast and my own stuff this afternoon, so this was good timing). I had this an hour after my lunch. The old me in the afternoon would’ve caved into sweet carbs like cereal or a Quaker oats granola bar. Not saying it’s horrible, just that it’s processed & pretty much empty calories that make me crave MORE carbs & sugar! And never-ending cravings for more sweets & carbs would begin! But gradually over the last couple years, my habits are better! This is nonfat plain Greek yogurt sweetened with Stevia and an Asian Pear and Raspberries! I DID eat the whole Asian pear, not just what fit in my food art. A very satisfying & healthy snack!