How do you define Fitness?

How do you define FitnessHow do you define Fitness?

I think the whole point of being *truly* fit from the inside out is to evolve into the complete person you were born to be.

It shouldn’t be about reaching a certain size or weight or ripped abs; it’s reaching a mindset that allows you to push forward to take care of yourself the best you can, at every stage of your life.. thru injury, adversity, illnesses & unexpected set-backs.

I’m just starting to get back into lower body lifting, gradually, since my injury (hamstring/glute pull). I know I’m not as fit as I was & it will take months to get back, but I’ve worked my a$$ off everyday for almost a year to do what I CAN do.

All you can do is your best each day, keep the positive self-talk flowing, and THAT is true fitness from the inside out