How I Overcame My Sweet Tooth and Carb Cravings

I’ve been asked many times how I was able to overcome my massive sweet tooth & cravings for carbs. Welll…

First of all, I DO run a no-purchase-required Sugar Buster group to help you with this (comment if you want in) but here are 10 other things that helped me in case it helps you 👇🏼

1. Avoiding artificial sweeteners -so many zero sugar drinks spike insulin & cause cravings (& bloating)
2. Not eating before bed so I sleep better
3. Going to bed earlier
4. Taking a supplement that also helps with my sleep; Magnesium Glycinate


5. De-stressing which meant creating time in my schedule for downtime – stretch, get outside!
6. Avoiding processed & refined sugars -getting more healthy fats in & less grazing (oops that’s like 3 things)
7. Tricking my cravings with fun foods that LOOK & taste delicious but are low glycemic (sugary splurges cause MORE sugary splurges & addictions)
8. Gave up flavored waters & high sugar creamers and coffees🥤☕️ (occasionally I’ll have True Lime brand but not daily, & gave up diet pop many YEARS ago)
9. Stop buying triggers that I know damn well I can’t control my cravings around🤦🏼‍♀️🚫🆘
10. Re-read number 9👆🏼

Does that help ?? Which one??