Keep Your Head in the Game

keep your headI’m DEFINITELY not as lean or fit as I was a year ago. As you are probably annoyed with hearing, I’ve had a set-back recently with this ham/glute injury for the last 11months, but the key is to just NOT GIVE UP & choose to be grateful for the HEALTH you have, & the people you love!

I taught Turbo at our SuperSaturday yesterday & I couldn’t go all out, kick, burpee or jump.. but we still got our sweat on just doing punching sections I had a BLAST!! I forced myself to not stress about how others would judge my fitness or abilities & therefore I didn’t even mention it.

Would you agree??

Every day I make up different workouts that I CAN do. The key is that you keep your head in the game & be determined not to let it get you down ..because that can quickly go into a downward spiral that is tough to reverse…REFUSE to let yourself go!