
Who’s injured & feeling out of the swing of things??

This is my “anti ‪‎legday” workout yesterday because my glutes were too SHREDED from my Saturday workout. There was obvi more involved but I couldn’t fit it in. 

But my point here is… when you are SO SORE you can barely walk or if you have an injury, you usually have LOTS of options to get that heart rate up & keep your head in the game.

anti_leg_dayI had to do upper body & core workouts for 6 months due to a hamstring injury.

Keep the weights light, reps higher & don’t work the same muscle groups on consecutive days – avoid overtraining the “healthy” muscles.

Maybe you DO need some time off, but be VERY careful of just letting everything go You have OTHER healthy muscles & studies show muscle starts deteriorating after 6 days of inactivity. So be smart, follow Dr’s orders, see a PT, but do what you can to preserve what you have & most importantly to maintain your “fit” & positive mindset because letting that go can lead to poor nutrition …which can REALLY wreak havoc on your fitness & how you feel in general.

I only know this because I’ve been thru it myself