
Girl Boss Fitness Sisters

Jump on 3 !! Or ..1 or 2 …it doesn’t even matter.. just jump!!

No but seriously, you’re not living life to the fullest if all your actions are stopped by “what if I mess it up?” If nothing else, messing up makes for great learning lessons or really funny stories! I did a WHOLE presentation once on all the completely dumb things i did as a new business owner & each of those lessons provided insight I never would’ve had otherwise.

That said, I’m PUMPED to treat my girl boss fitness sisters- new & veterans- who earned another fun trip to South Beach in less than 3 weeks!

Whatever you’re pursuing, don’t be in denial

I used to be a very stressed person, over-worked, sleep deprived, time crunched, financially tight and in denial . “I’m fine” … “No no, I’m good, thanks”

I wanted to see my son more, be at work less, do something fulfilling, move more, ..but thought I wasn’t cut out for anything else and I convinced myself I was “comfortable” in my career and I was fine with that. Anything more was too good to be legit.

But deep down I felt something was missing. I’m SO glad I listened to that tiny voice in my head. Once I realized I could do this business on my OWN terms, my OWN message & style -not pushing products or pushing a body image, but instead promoting confidence, health & balance.. I was all in! So I joined & got on social media to start sharing and connecting, and slowly building a like-minded following; helping others.

Yes, I still worked full time for 2 years while getting my business on its feet …and I will NOT say that’s EASY, but definitely do-able in pockets of time here and there, with Matt of course, & just giving ourselves lots of pep talks & timebeing consistent. Now i teach my coaches to do the same. I train them on everything I know & everything we did to get here. Some want to do this casually, others want to be all in

If you’d like to know more, let me know here, and I’ll send you some info so you can decide for yourself (only if you’re not already a coach, or working with one).

Whatever you’re pursuing, don’t be in denial like I was & let time pass that you can’t get back.

Do you negotiate with yourself on things?

As soon as i _____, then I’ll be ready to ________!

Do you negotiate with yourself on things?

When i first got on IG, I only posted my food🍏🥙🥦🍓, then my wise but bossy, older sister Chalene 😝 told me people need to SEE you in order to connect with you & then be inspired by you.

So then I started posting a dark pic here & there 👤😆and honestly, that’s WAY easier now but still selfies are not my favorite (but SO worth it to do what I do).

Then once other fitness professionals started posting videos, I said, “oh no way! once I have a 6-pack, then I’ll post videos on IG☝☺️” Haha… good thing I didn’t wait ! I shut that voice down & put my big girl pants on (well my high-waisted lululemons that is☺️) & posted some HIIT workouts which I LOVE to create due to teaching bootcamp for years (capitalize on YOUR strengths & history)!

If I didn’t step out of my comfort zone, which wasn’t comfy anyway- it was stagnant – I wouldn’t be fulfilling my passion and my *responsibility* to help other women in fitness and in business!

So gurrrlll, what are you waiting for?

Don’t wait for the “perfect time” because there will ALWAYS be a million reasons why it might not be the perfect time.

There’s ALWAYS a slew of people smarter, prettier, more qualified, leaner, etc etc but no one has your exact history, experiences, skills or unique strengths. Own that & focus on what you DO have right now. If you’ve got one GOOD reason to act now, go for it and learn as you grow 😁💫

Spoiling our Diamond and above Leaders

Matt & I had so much fun spoiling our Diamond and above Leaders!!!

They got a shoe shopping spree, t-shirts, hats & dinner but what we gave to them really pales in comparison to what THEY give of themselves everyday! 🙌🏼 I’m so super proud!


One of the greatest gifts of Summit

Post workout group sweaty selfie🤳 !! One of the greatest gifts of Summit is the privilege to meet up, sweat, learn & laugh face to face!👊🏼

We heard Shawn Achor speak today, one of the Worlds leading experts on the connection between happiness and success and it was BRILLIANT & MIND BLOWING & FUNNY !

And last nights “The Chalene Show LIVE” was also AMAZING & HILARIOUS! We all had a blast!

Between Shawn Achor, my sister Chalene, Connie Podesta & all the incredible speakers this weekend, I’m a better & MUCH smarter person than I was a few days ago!😁🙌🏼

If you’re not here, I wish you were!

True success in this biz is about becoming the person you were meant to be when you give yourself permission to fail & evolve! It’s not about a rank, a title or a paycheck. It’s giving YOURSELF the power to remove any negative labels you or others have placed on you so that you can fully give of yourself to help others!

Assuming your success or worth is defined by someone else’s actions or recognition is giving away your own unique power. You have to understand the best benefit of a goal lies in the PROCESS of GROWTH & GRATITUDE more than any goal itself!

Who’s planning to be here next year? 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️

What are you pursuing?

Who grew up with lake life or beach life🙋🏼‍♀️ One of our wishes/dreams/visions (whatever you wanna call it☺) was to have a nearby cottage + boat where we could create the same type of lake memories for our family that we both had as kids (& actually be able to AFFORD it without adding debt). But I’m more of a analyst and a do-er than a dreamer & my analytical over-thinker mind said to myself “that’s great for OTHERS, that’s not possible for us!”

Matt worked in Finance, I worked in HR. I wasn’t on social media. But I learned THIS business can provide that for anyone that’s willing to put in work that may feel awkward at first, anyone who’ll put their ego aside (people judge no matter WHAT u do), anyone who’ll share ideas/tips, who will work smarter not harder, who will be as patient as you are persistent & consistent☝🏼😁

If fitness/health weren’t at the heart of the business, my heart wouldn’t be in it. But it IS that and that sealed the deal for me bcuz health/fitness has had such an impact on my life.

Whatever you pursue, make sure it’s something you feel passionate about and something you can have FUN with!🚤———<|🏄‍♀️


“Find a New Job and Take Care of Yourself”

“F i n d a new j o b & t a k e c a r e of y o u r s e l f” … a Doctor wrote on her patient summary form. The patient was a Teacher whose job was slowing tearing away at her health, her sanity, causing weight gain and negatively impacting her relationship with her fiancé. What a powerful “prescription” to receive. She read the form leaving the Dr office & the simple truth of it brought her to tears.

This is the story I heard the other day from a newer Coach who’s now already having great success (on track to earn a 6-figure income based on weekly pay right now) just 4 months into her business … and she’s been building it WHILE still working full time (a new teaching job btw). Not many have success this fast but many on our team have similar stories & it fuels me to know anyone CAN.

Maybe you already know this business isn’t for you & maybe you just need to ask your boss if you can work from home🏠 1-2 days a week. Or maybe you need more details about options because you’re an all or nothing girl like me, maybe you didn’t know a LOT just changed where we don’t just service at-home fitness needs anymore, we have new nutritional supplements, & we have a lot more ways to serve others as of this Spring. Former coaches are re-enrolling & it’s smart.

Either way, if your situation could use a RESET button, don’t convince yourself you just need to suck it up. You always have choices.

Ask questions, pray about it, give yourself time to envision the possibilities & decide to believe in yourself & trust the process.

If you want the scoop on this business, and you don’t have a coach, drop send me a message here.

Legal disclaimer: Beachbody does not guarantee any level of income or success with this business. Each coach’s success depends on his/her own efforts, skill & diligence.


Create Your Own Options

So grateful to be able to spend so much time outside today! Don’t wish for that option, CREATE that option   And I’m thinking it’s safe to say you all should move to the Toledo area now!! We’ve got a Lululemon, and we’ve got … well that’s all I can think of right now but it’s somethin’

Grateful for…

Grateful for my calf today & the self-care and PT that healed it !! Ran my fastest today since tearing it 4 months ago! Which is NOT actually “fast” yet

Also grateful for my pre-workout (can we get a shaker cup emoji please??) and a career that puts my own journey as part of my daily to-do’s!

Starting a Fitness Business

Is this cheesy?! I hope not!

I just find it hard to express what a game changer this is. If a fitness business is on your radar, even as just a side income, I highly recommend you get the details & get trained to do it RIGHT. As you may have guessed, this has changed my life & I was SO skeptical at first. I’m just grateful I finally opened my mind to it

Don’t make assumptions based on what you’ve seen or heard from uninformed sources or sketchy sources, all you have to do is ask me