
Feel the emotion and deal with the situation

Ever see an email, DM or text that causes you even the slightest anxiety so you head straight to the pantry or fridge to find comfort food?? 👩‍💻🍫

Yes?! Something crunchy, maybe sweet?!

I’ve done that SO many times🙋🏼‍♀️ Obviously the answer isn’t in another snack/treat/drink (whatever your indulgence is).

I’ve learned to stop WALKING AWAY (towards food) and instead feel the emotion and just deal with the situation as best I can …& give myself permission to do so imperfectly… because I don’t always know the RIGHT/BEST way and that’s OK. Right?!

Procrastination isn’t my friend and unfortunately chips & guac won’t solve the problem!☺️ You with me on this??