
7 Steps to goal setting

Years ago I went to one of my first personal development conferences at the suggestion of my big sis Chalene .. it was a Brian Tracy conference. I just found my notes & I definitely followed this to a T! 🎯

Thought I’d share! Does it help??

7 Steps to goal setting:⁣
1. Decide EXACTLY what you want⁣
2. Write it down, only top 3% write it down ⁣
3. Set a deadline & sub deadlines⁣
4. Make a list of everything you have to do to achieve your goal⁣
5. Organize the list by sequence & priority⁣
6. Take action immediately with NO guarantee of success. If you want to hit a bullseye, throw more darts!!!⁣
7. Do something scary EVERY DAY

Aggressive Goals Require Aggressive Discipline


I recently heard on a podcast that one of the most valuable assets you can have today is the discipline to stay FOCUSED!

Would you agree?? When I need to really concentrate, it’s a waste of time and effort if I’m multitasking. So I have to completely seclude myself from all interruptions, no phone, no notifications, no sounds, etc. It may require waking up an hour earlier.

It’s NOT easy to create that “space” but I can get 10x more done in a small pocket of time when I do.

You’ve got to be disciplined in CREATING focused time to crush your goals!

The uninterrupted time is not just gonna fall in our laps! Something’s gonna have to give! Am I right ?! 😉

What stops you from achieving what you want?

I don’t know who to credit on this quote but it’s

I coach women to start & succeed in their online business & I spend the majority of my time mentoring. It’s always mindset that’s the most important key to their success. Sometimes I wish I could understand what thoughts or past experiences or labels are stopping them from seeing their own potential.

Was it …

A childhood label?
Something someone said?
A negative incident you couldn’t get past?
Fear of failure?

What is it, if anything, stops you from achieving what you want?

Recommit and Get Serious

Ok so February is almost over & is Spring in 4 weeks??

I’m SOOO excited to be in warm weather & warm weather CLOTHES! Spring break is coming! And before we know it, SUMMER will be here!! I have LOTS of goals & I’m ready to re-commit & get SERIOUS! No, I’m not gonna restrict calories, do 2 workouts a day, or spend hours in the gym.. that’s not me, never has been. I’m just going to work smarter & with more focus!

We all go through phases & cycles and it’s OK.


One of my goals for June is to be better at writing down my goals ☝🏼🙂

No but really, I’m not naturally organized.. and that’s an understatement. I see the big picture like crazy but have to force myself on the details. Anyone else like this??

I don’t know what I’d do without the organized people in my life that I learn from – my husband, my sister, and my assistant who’s more like our business Sr VP 👩🏻‍💻👌🏼

p.s. I love this smartlifepushjournal color

What’s your non-weight-related goal??

hollowbackRunning a faster 5K, doing push-ups on your feet vs knees, pull-ups, squatting a certain weight.. ??

I’m doing a hollowback here to work on back & shoulder flexibility (which mine is obviously BAD right now) & handstand pushups for shoulder strength. They are harder than they look but I love challenges!

p.s. Love this song