
Handstands Make me Feel 12 Again

A lot of what I do in fitness has nothing to do with *aesthetic* results but everything to do with *athletic* results & how it makes me FEEL. I recommend this!
rhiannawork 🎤


What’s your non-weight-related goal??

hollowbackRunning a faster 5K, doing push-ups on your feet vs knees, pull-ups, squatting a certain weight.. ??

I’m doing a hollowback here to work on back & shoulder flexibility (which mine is obviously BAD right now) & handstand pushups for shoulder strength. They are harder than they look but I love challenges!

p.s. Love this song

Headstands and Handstands

I was just playin after a workout ..headstands & handstands make me feel 12 again! but ‪#‎HSPU (handstand push-ups) are tough! I know I’m BARELY going down into that push up but it’s comparable to shoulder pressing my body weight.. So yah, a few inches feels like a mile (& looks like a centimeter).
