
Random Non Fitness Tip

Random TipReturn Facebook messages, texts, emails, write blog & fb posts..all from your smart phone using your voice to text feature – the little microphone on your phone’s keyboard -to type what you’re saying! Are you using this feature??? Is it only for iPhones?

It saves me SO much time! My sis Chalene Johnson gave me the tip a long time ago!

Yes, you have to proof it to make sure it typed your words properly () but it’s so much faster than typing it out on your phone! You can even say words at the end of sentences like “exclamation point” or “question mark” ..and you can even say “smiley” and it will insert a smiley face!

Maybe it’s just me, but I sometimes get overwhelmed with the number of texts, Fb messages and emails I need to return!

I love using apps like Hey Tell and Voxer too but not everyone has those apps!

p.s. And find a spot behind a deserted building to return your messages! Obviously this picture is staged!