
Protein bar or Prime Rib

Protein bar or Prime Rib?

Protein bar or Prime Rib

Protein bar or Prime Rib

What would you rather have.. A Protein bar or Prime Rib?

I swear I’d rather have a protein bar any day! I’m at ‪#‎wholefoods‬ with Matt & tempted by my strange obsession with protein bars!! Idk why but I could eat them all day long if it were healthy or acceptable to do so!!

Quest bars have been my recent obsession but I’ve gone over a week without any! ‪#‎progress‬

p.s. I’m not saying ‪#‎QuestBars‬ are a problem, I’m saying my addiction was . I’m hoping BB someday comes out with a bar, minimally processed the way they make Shakeology So many that are DELISH with low sugar have artificial sweeteners, maltitol, OR are just so TINY (like ‪#‎larabars‬ for example).