
Keep Your Mental Game Strong

What you tell yourself

What you have to train harder & more consistently than anything else, is your brain.

Keep your mental game strong

10 Tips

What person, comment or incident got you into working out and/or eating better?? What advice would you give someone just starting out??
***Here are 10 tips that helped me stick to it:
1. After eating a small meal, get out of the kitchen. Your body needs time to digest & realize it’s been fed!
2. Continually work to drink more water
3. Have a ballpark awareness of calories and macro’s MY particular body needs to gain muscle yet still burn fat (this took trial & error)
4. With your eating & workout weaknesses, aim for progress each day, not perfection
5. Ignoring the scale & paying attention to how I look and feel; how i’m performing in my workouts and the new habits i’m forming.
6. Becoming a Coach and making fitness & health my career
7. Transitioning the family to healthier options so I wasn’t alone
8. Curbing snacking/splurges (shakeology)
9. Doing workouts with variety and workouts I enjoy!
..and 10

Daily routine

Tip to stay on track

Someone asked me today for tips to stay on track & for me, it’s a combination of self-discipline, self-respect and self-forgiveness. Start defining yourself as someone who doesn’t give up on yourself. Agreed?

how to be on track

What holds you back?

What holds you back more.. Fitness, eating, or mindset?

As a stress eater & a very busy mom, wife and business owner.. I’m not perfect with my eating or fitness (or anything) ..I mess up a LOT.. I just work very hard, mentally, to turn weakness & defeat into opportunities to learn & grow. And I only allow pity parties to last for minutes.. Not days or weeks. That’s a decision & commitment to myself. Remove all that pressure & that perfectionist mindset, k ?!

April 26 the space between

If it feels like something is missing make a change

April 19 Is something missingAgreed?!
Don’t wait or wish… make it happen for yourself.
I can be very stubborn and I had once convinced myself that the life I was leading was “good enough” & I was content and comfortable even though I didn’t feel passionate about my desk job. Don’t settle. Write your goals & an action plan for the week & for the year !

Who do you Compete with?

Only compete against that inner voice that tells you “you can’t do/be that”…shut that liar down

Deal ???

Who do you compete with?

Be Your Best Coach

You are your motivation and You are your solution.
Click Below to play Video.
Be your Best Coach

It’s In The Not Knowing That We Get Stuck

Not in the knowingTrue, right?!
…Because what if you act on it & you fail?! The path to success involves failures & mistakes.. In fitness & in business. You will probably suck at first & wanna quit at times! You need to expect that as “experience” & be ok with that. My own personal successes are a direct result of my own personal DAILY failures. Being afraid to fail is perfectly ok, but NOT taking baby steps THRU the fear is not ok… If u want to live your life by design.

Don’t Compare

You probably have better abs, or calves or hamstrings… or a better smile or a better personality than me. I have a lot of flaws that are out of my control & therefore deserve no place in my head

Be grateful for what you have and get busy working for what you want, what you CAN control & what you DESERVE

Don't Compare

Attitude Is Everything‬

Love this.. Too many are holding themselves back based on self-doubt or labels placed on them as a child. It’s sad. I’m grateful I was raised to believe I can overcome obstacles when others say it isn’t possible, that hard work beats talent & that failure is a part of reaching success.

Overly ambitious