Use & appreciate what you have

I’m about average height, average weight, probably average intelligence🤷🏼‍♀️🤔, less-than-average hair😆, practically no lips😐, average athleticism🏄‍♀️, no natural organizational skills, a scarred face, I’m always running late🏃‍♀️, I suck at cooking🤦🏼‍♀️, & the list goes on😂.. but I feel incredibly grateful, happy, and NONE of this keeps me from hustling or achieving success.
SO MANY of you in DM’s tell me you’d love to do what I do but proceed to tell me what you DON’T have... as *if* that matters🤷🏼‍♀️ We could have a contest of “dont have’s”!

But all that matters is that we use & appreciate what we DO have. That means taking some risks when you’re not quite sure what that is yet! Throwing some spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks🍝! Yep! Do it! Build the tribe you wish you had! Only thing stopping you is YOU believing the “dont have’s” actually matter.
Most people are NOT willing to put themselves out there.. too much pride, not enough purpose. You don’t have any competition bcuz no one is you (unless you’re copying someone else).
Be so busy creating value & fun that you don’t have time to wish you had more💃🏼

DEAL ???😁