Are you always early or always late?

Are you always early or always late?
Why does time move so fassst?! I hate being late yet I admit I’m late a LOT! Please ..lie to me about the time🙏🏻☺️.
If Matt says “you need to leave the house in 5 minutes or you’ll be late”, my brain goes

.. “ok awesome, I’ve got time to send 1 more email”

but then someone comes to the door,

then I realize I left the flat iron on in the bathroom 🔌

oops now I see the dogs have no water 🐾 ,

I better grab a snack 🍫 , and

“oh CRAP, if I don’t reply to the text NOW, I’ll never remember & she’ll think I’m ignoring her😲!”
I know people tend to believe late people are late on purpose or that they think their time is more important …but I can assure you☝🏼I definitely do NOT think that AT ALL. It definitely stresses me out to be late, but it still happens🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
One tip I’ve learned from Chalene, place lil clocks EVERYWHERE ⏰ & set them ahead.