Get out of your own way and go public with your journey

I hear all the time from women who won’t put their fitness/health journey on social media because they fear judgement from friends & family. I get that fear *completely* 💯 . I used to avoid pics, videos & wasn’t on social media📵. What would people think of me?!😧 I’m naturally a more private person.

But people are going to judge NO MATTER WHAT. In fact, the more private you are, the more people seem to ASSUME or make up your story! 😼We all judge, we all GET judged. It’s human nature. The longer you care so much about how others view you, the longer you delay truly living your life.

☝🏼Others don’t know your struggles, they don’t pay your bills, they don’t raise your kids, they don’t know what makes you happy, they don’t know your ideas or have your vision their opinions are based on THEIR experiences & history. How is that even relevant to YOU??? It’s not.

So get outta your own way & go public with your journey. You’ll have more accountability, better results & inspire MORE ..making you more likely to be motivated to continue