Just Work Out

Just Work OutWhen you’re at the end of your rope, just work out!

No really, it DOES clear your head and relieve stress… Especially when you can kick, punch or pound heavy ropes.





Afternoon Coffee

Afternoon CoffeeHave you given up coffee and/or creamer?

No judgement here. I have not. But there are a LOT of things I HAVE given up though over the years. For long-term results, I just think you have to be sort of gradual about food changes with yourself and your family, otherwise you, and they, may feel deprived and like you’re …DIETING… (I don’t even like the word!).

Start eating cleaner and paying attention to food labels; choosing whole foods as much as possible, and just keep improving. I am now doing just a LITTLE sugar-free creamer (which yes, I know it’s full of crap…please do not follow my BAD habits) and my afternoon coffee is now half-caff 🙂

Way to go, Jessica!

JessicaCan you please help me congratulate JESSICA Lambert on achieving 3-STAR DIAMOND in her business?!

She’s a fulltime graphic designer and about to be my next 6-figure earner! She’s incredibly caring, genuine, professional, intelligent, and definitely one of my top coaches!!





Congratulations, Ryan!

Congratulations, RyanFriends.. Would you please help me give congratulations to RYAN LUHNING for achieving DIAMOND in his business today!?!?! He’s my first Diamond Dude!!!

He is a devoted dad, husband, actor, & inspiring SO many with his amazing transformation! And now one of my TOP Canadian Coaches!!  As you can see, Ryan knows how to get lean and ripped!

Congratulations, Angie

Congratulations, AngieFriends… Please help me congratulate the super sweet & positive Angie Bellemare for achieving DIAMOND in her business!! This means she’s an excellent leader to her team!

And although BOTH pics are beautiful, Angie was actually in & out of the hospital & having inexplicable health problems. Then she started Turbo Fire & Shakeology and her health problems started to go away! How cool is that?! Annnd…her hubby just won $500 as a quarterly BB Challenge Success Story!



Congratulations, Charm!

Congratulations, CharmI am SO proud of Charm!!

She joined not completely sure if she could do this, but she’s doing AWESOME! Please help me congratulate her for achieving Emerald in her business!!!

And what a GREAT transformation, right!?!!



Congratulations, Kristen

Congratulations, KristenYESSS!!! Kristen, new to Coaching, already went Emerald!!! She’s SUCH a sweetheart!

Please help me congratulate her!! She is Stott Pilates certified and went to USC for Kinesiology and Physical Therapy. She’s recently married and currently works fulltime at a Pilates and PT clinic.

She says she wakes up every morning excited about what she does as a Coach! CONGRATS Kristen!!!


Congratulations, Hayley!

Congratulations, HayleyFRIENDS…Can you do me a HUGE favor and help me congratulate Hayley for achieving EMERALD in her business & for her awesome transformation!!

Hayley says she did NOT have those genes but dropped the baby weight due to HARD WORK with the BB programs; especially Turbo Fire! She went from thinking exercise was a chore to LOVING it and feeling blessed every day she got to sweat (love that!).

She became a Coach just recently to help others on their journey while she’s still on hers and to be present with her family, and make additional income thru helping others, to give her family the BEST she can! I know she will go FAR with this because she’s SO caring & smart!

Is it worth it?

Is it worth itIt’s FRIDAY – the day a lot of people skip their workout, or order out, have a few drinks, and it’s also post-Halloween so there may be candy calling your name.

Nothing wrong with little splurges & taking off from your workouts as long it’s WORTH IT to you. You know your goals & your downfalls.

Just be smart & in control of your actions so there are no post-weekend regrets.


Macro Equation

Macro EquationDo you track Macro nutrient needs (carbs, protein & fats)?

I don’t, (just a little estimating of calories & protein & a LOT of label reading- checking sugars, sodium, saturated fats, & ingredients) but I probably SHOULD track macros for a week or two until I can eyeball it.

For more info & apps to help, check out November Oxygen Magazine p.50

If you’re planning a 40/40/20 ratio, that means 40% of your total calories per day comes from carbs, 40% from proteins & 20% from fats. Obviously aim for cleaner/less processed foods for best results.

If you needed to consume approx 1600 calories/day for fat loss, here’s how you’d calculate:

1600*.4= 640 calories/4cal’s per gram of Carbs
=160g carbs/day

Same number for protein grams because protein is also 40% in this example, and protein is also 4calories/gram

1600*.2=320/9calories per gram of Fat
=35g Fat