Hollowbacks and Shakeology

Jen Delvaux and I had a choice …go out to dinner? Or have Shakeology and practice hollowbacks? Shakeology and hollowbacks… HANDS DOWN (literally).

Make Every Minute Count

Watching the clock as Jen Delvaux and I get in one more set of jumping lunges before the conference starts today! Make every minute COUNT!

Get Back in the Game

How do you stay motivated? I just COMMIT to staying in the game …no matter what happens. Not gonna lie.. I sucked in REALLY hard for this pic this morning! I’ve just come back from traveling AND a birthday week which was showered with goodies and chocolate…and even MORE when I got home to my husband and son. Not complaining…I feel sooo blessed! I worked out all week but definitely ate out and splurged more than usual. To me, it’s not called “cheating” it’s just life. I enjoy myself for *special* occasions, I accept the consequences of feeling bloated and sluggish… and I get back in the game!! Now off to Turbo!

Handstand Fun

Jen and I are new to these and self-taught …just by starring at pics:) but both of us are getting more flexible (& more addicted) as a result 🙂 Check out @laurasykora or my sister @chalenejohnson for great form!

Back Talk

How many of you have a recurring back injury? Well, I just read that 4 out of 5 adults have a recurring back injury! Yikes! (I’m one of them!) It’s not only due to having a weak core, or poor form when lifting something, but also due to muscle imbalances and inflexibility.

I don’t know about you, but I want to be air jacking and squatting when I’m 90! So let’s not skip stretching, functional strength workouts, or skip training certain muscle groups! I’m guilty but MUST improve!

Vacation Fun

Ready for dinner!

Live Fit

Can you relate? On my last run in Maui this morning, I kept thinking how thankful I am to have chosen fitness as my business. It wasn’t where I started, but it’s where I’m meant to be. It’s always a win-win.

I say this not to give myself a pat on the back but because I know some WANT to have fitness as their career and need to know it’s AWESOME (if you choose the right path).

Edudating children’s taste buds

Ty Trying some new fruits. Their taste buds are CONSTANTLY changing so don’t give up trying but I also think it helps to educate them so that they just WANT to eat healthier instead of just forcing it. Wouldn’t you agree?


Waiting for Chalene Johnson to do some PiYo with me and @turbobff after we went Kangoo’ing along the boardwalk. Kangoo’ing reduces impact on the joints. It’s kinda like running on a trampoline but the weight of the Kangoos and having to lift your legs higher when you run, makes it an intense but FUN workout 😉

Don’t wait for your goal weight

Are you waiting until you’re at your goal weight to do certain things? Don’t wait. Do what lifts you up NOW. The people who care about you should be all for that anyway!